Questions & Answers on GNSS

What is GPS Spoofing?


Editorial Team

Aug 20, 2022
GPS Spoofing is the process of using an RF transmitting device to intentionally make a GPS receiver calculate a false position. The transmitting devices used to do this are called spoofers and they more

What is GPS Jamming?


Editorial Team

Aug 20, 2022
GPS Jamming is the process of using an RF transmitting device to intentionally block or interfere with GPS signals that are used for positioning, navigation and timing. These RF transmitting devices more

What is GNSS Augmentation?


Editorial Team

Apr 13, 2022
GNSS Augmentation is used by GNSS receivers to provide more accurate positioning and timing results. GNSS receivers can determine their location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) with an accuracy more

Software defined Radio Use Case for Satellite Industry

Software Defined Radios 

Per Vices Team

Per Vices

IntroductionThe satellite industry is one of the giants of the modern world, with applications ranging from cutting-edge orbital telescopes for space exploration to telecommunications and GPS more

What is Dilution of Precision?


Editorial Team

Mar 11, 2022
Dilution of Precision (DOP) is a term used to specify the error in positional fix provided by a GNSS receiver due to the geometry of the navigational satellites from which signals are received. It is more

What are the different GNSS Constellations?


Editorial Team

Jan 15, 2022
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constellations refer to a collection of Earth-orbiting satellites that provide positioning, navigation and timing data to GNSS receivers on Earth. There are more

Navigating the L1, L2 and L5 Band Options for GNSS


Baha Badran


Location adds a lot of value - and not just for real estate. Whether it’s asset tracking, turn-by-turn navigation, fraud prevention or fitness, the ability to pinpoint a person, place or thing more

What is Galileo High Accuracy Service?


Editorial Team

Jan 9, 2022
The Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) is a free-of-cost satellite-based navigation system that provides various navigation services to users having Galileo-compatible receivers. Galileo is a Global more

What is NavIC?


Editorial Team

Jan 9, 2022
NavIC (NAVigation with Indian Constellation) is the operational name of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), which is an independent regional navigation satellite system being more

What is OSNMA?


Editorial Team

Apr 13, 2021
The OSNMA or Open Service Navigation Message Authentication is a security protocol to verify the authenticity of GNSS signals distributed from the Galileo satellite constellation system. It is based more

Understanding GNSS Sensitivity


Editorial Team

Oct 19, 2020
GNSS Sensitivity is defined as the lowest signal level at which a GNSS receiver is able to track and achieve a position fix on overhead satellites. If the receiver receives a signal that is lower more

What is a Real Time Location System (RTLS)?


Editorial Team

Oct 19, 2020
RTLS stands for Real-Time Location System and refers to any system that can accurately determine the location of a device in real time. It is also referred to as an indoor positioning system (IPS) more

What is Assisted GNSS?


Editorial Team

Oct 19, 2020
Assisted GNSS or Augmented GNSS is a type of Global Positioning System, which takes the assistance of mobile network towers to reduce time to fix position or TTFF. In this setup, Mobile towers have more

What is PPP or Precise Point Positioning?


Editorial Team

Oct 14, 2020
Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a navigation technique that is used to provide high-level position accuracy using GNSS Satellites. PPP makes use of a network of global reference stations to more

What is Time to First Fix (TTFF)?


Editorial Team

Aug 25, 2020
Time to First Fix (TTFF) is the time required for a GNSS device to acquire satellite signals and navigational data to calculate its position or fix. A GNSS device must have three sets of data before more