Diab Group

  • Sweden
  • +46 430 163 00
  • Drottninggatan 7, 5th floor, 252 21 Helsingborg, Sweden

Company Overview

Diab Group is a global leader in the manufacture and supply of high-performance composite materials for a variety of industries, including marine, wind energy, transport, and construction. With over 70 years of experience, the company has established a reputation for excellence in designing and producing lightweight and durable composite solutions. They have been the leading edge of foam core materials and sandwich technology development with successful projects all over the world.

Diab Group offers a comprehensive range of composite products, including core materials, finishing and laminating products, and sandwich composite panels. Their products are used in various applications, including boat hulls, wind turbine blades, antenna radomes, and high-performance vehicles. The company is also committed to sustainability and uses environmentally-friendly materials and production processes.

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