Aethercomm Part Number TR 1.35-1.45-80 is a high power transmit/receive module used in the Global Positioning Range Application Data Link Subsystem. This TR module operates over the military L band frequency range and provides TDma data communications of time-space-position information between aircraft and ground stations. The system operates in transmit or receive mode at any given time but not simultaneously. Typical transmit duty cycles do not exceed 50%. In Rx mode, the module provides a low noise front-end that includes band limited filtering, a high power limiter, low noise amplification and image rejection filtering. In the Tx mode, the module amplifies a low level, L band signal up to a power level of greater than 80 watts at the antenna. The antennal port offers a bi-directional interface to the Rx and Tx sections of the module. This unit is fully GPS compliant. Standard features include forward power monitoring, reflected power monitoring, output short and open circuit protection, over and under voltage protection, receiver protection, very fast switching speeds between Rx and Tx operation and a fully regulated DC-DC converter.