dBm to dBW Conversion Calculator
The dBm to dBW calculator is a tool that converts signal power from dBm to dBW. Multiple measurements such as Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) that have larger power levels are measured in terms of dBW. Therefore, a conversion is required between dBm to dBW, and this calculator can be used to perform this conversion.
Enter a value in dBm and click on calculate to convert it to dBW
The following formula is used to determine the power value in dBW from a dBm value:
dBm is an abbreviation for decibel-milliwatts; it is a dimensionless unit used to define/measure signal intensity (power level) in relation to one milliwatt.(For example, a power level of 0dBm indicates 1 milliwatt.).The dBm is a useful metric for measuring signal intensity in radio, microwave, audio, and fiber-optic communications networks. The advantage of expressing signal strength (power) in dBm is that we can express both extremely high and extremely tiny power levels (W) with a lower dimension value.
dBW is a similar unit of RF signal intensity measurement but unlike dBm it is measured in relation to 1 Watt ( 1 Watt = 0 dBW). Multiple microwave measurements like EIRP (Effective isotropic radiated power) that have larger power magnitude are measured in terms of dBW. So,a conversion is required between dBm to dBW and this calculator can be used for conversion.
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