Pyramidal Horn Antenna Gain Calculator


  • Gain
  • Gain

What is a pyramidal horn antenna gain calculator?

This online pyramidal horn antenna gain calculator is used to calculate the gain (in dB) of the pyramidal horn antenna by entering the aperture area, wavelength, and aperture efficiency.

What is a pyramidal horn antenna?

Pyramidal horn antenna structure

A pyramidal horn antenna is a type of horn antenna that features a short length of the rectangular waveguide at one end and a pyramidal-shaped horn on the other end, with a rectangular cross-section.  This antenna is used to transmit radio waves from a rectangular waveguide (rectangular shape metal pipe to carry RF waves) into space or capture the radio waves into the rectangular waveguide during receiving mode. 

The pyramidal shape horn section offers a gradual transition structure to match the waveguide impedance to the free space impedance; it enables the waves from the waveguide to radiate out efficiently into space or receive radio waves efficiently from space during receiving mode. Usually, the radio waves are introduced into the waveguide by a coaxial cable attached to the side, with the central conductor projecting into the waveguide to form a quarter-wave monopole antenna. 

This antenna can operate in wide frequencies from above 300 MHz to GHz range and has benefits such as low VSWR, broad bandwidth, high gain, high directivity, and simple construction.  These antennas are ideal for use as feed antennas for larger antenna structures such as parabolic antennas, used as directive antennas for radar guns, satellite & microwave communication, electromagnetic interference measurement, and more.

What is the gain of the pyramidal horn antenna?

The gain of the pyramidal horn antenna represents the maximum radiation intensity in a given direction (or absorbs incident power from that direction) when compared with a theoretical isotropic antenna. The isotropic antenna (theoretical antenna) would radiate out RF waves equally in all directions with the same intensity. 

The gain of the pyramidal horn antenna gain can be calculated by the following formula.


Gain (dB) = pyramidal horn antenna gain in dB (i.e., decibels)

π = 3.14

A = Area of aperture in m2

eA = Aperture efficiency (between 0 and 1)

 λ = Wavelength of radio wave (mm/cm/µm/metre)

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