Power Added Efficiency (PAE) Calculator

This is an online calculator that calculates the Power added efficiency of amplifier based on input power, output power and the DC input power.

Enter the input power, output power and the DC power supplied to the amplifier to calculate the efficiency.


  • Power added Efficiency (PAE)

What is Power Added Efficiency (PAE)?

In an RF power amplifier, the power added efficiency (PAE) is defined as the ratio of amplified signal power (i.e., the difference between output signal power and input signal power of the amplifier) to the consumed DC input power of the amplifier.

PAE is an efficiency parameter by which a device converts DC or RF input power to a higher RF output. It is expressed as a percentage value. PAE is used to determine the amount of DC input power utilized for the amplification of an input signal.

The following formula is used to calculate the power added efficiency of an RF power amplifier.


RFin = Amplifier input power in W/kW

RFout = Amplifier output power in W/kW

RFDC = Amplifier DC power input in W/kW ( This can be calculated as follows VDC x IDC)

PAE = Power-added efficiency of the amplifier in %

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