Wye/Star to Delta Conversion Calculator

Use Wye/Star to Delta Conversion Calculator for the conversion of any star/wye resistance network into a delta network by simply entering the respective resistances of each node in the star network.


  • Ra
  • Rb
  • Rc
Formula for Wye/Star to Delta Conversion Calculator


 Ra, Rb, Rc are the delta connected resistances ;&

 R1, R2, R3 are the star connected resistances.

Resistors are the most fundamental components in building of any electrical circuit, because of this most circuits constitutes of multiple resistors and they have to be simplified to obtain the net resistance for the circuit analysis. The resistances are grouped in either star/wye or delta topology and for the complete network resolution they have to be inter-converted into one another as there is no other transformation. 

The conversion can be done with the help of this calculator by just filling the star network node resistances and the calculato will yield the delta network resistance values.

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