China Begins Testing Next-Generation Wireless Technology Using Terahertz Waves

China Begins Testing Next-Generation Wireless Technology Using Terahertz Waves

While most of the world is still using the 4G networks and some companies have just released 5G networks, China is testing next-generation wireless technology that is said to be 100 times faster than the American version of 5G. This next-generation network expands from the 5G millimeter-wave frequency to terahertz frequency.

The 5G network promises mass connectivity, ultra-reliability, and guaranteed low latency. However, there is a limit to what 5G can do until 2030 and beyond.

New Chinese research has outlined four major paradigm shifts that are needed for a next-generation network. The long-form review is entitled "Towards 6G wireless communication networks: vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts." It is co-written by first and corresponding author Professor Xiaohu Yu, and corresponding author Professor Chengxiang Wang from Southeast University in China, along with 48 other experts and scholars from various scientific research institutes, colleges, and private companies around the world.

The article talked about the vision in 6G that will have four new paradigm shifts. The first one is for 6G to no longer be limited to terrestrial communication networks to achieve the requirement of global coverage.

This will be complemented with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) communication networks to accomplish the space-air-ground-sea integrated communication network.

Next, to further increase data rates, and connection density it will explore all spectra. This includes the sub-6 GHz, millimeter wave (mmWave), terahertz (THz), and optical frequency bands. 

Third, next-gen networks will allow a new range of smart applications with the help of AI and big data technologies to accommodate the big data generated from using extremely heterogeneous networks, new service requirements, wide bandwidths, and a large number of antennas.

Lastly, network security is also of importance, so it has to be strengthened when developing these networks.

China has been testing their next generation networks. They launched a satellite to test the terahertz communication application in space on November 6. The science and technology ministry of China has already formed a team that will begin working on the research about the 6G wireless telecom technology, marking its official launch.

Click here to know more about 6G technology.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   6G