Watts to dBm Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in Watts and click on calculate to get the dBm value

  • Watts


  • dBm

Watt To dBm Conversion Table

Power (watt) Power (dBm)
0 W not defined
0+ W -∞ dBm
0.00001 W -20 dBm
0.0001 W -10 dBm
0.001 W 0 dBm
0.01 W 10 dBm
0.1 W 20 dBm
1 W 30 dBm
10 W 40 dBm
 100 W 50 dBm
 1000 W 60 dBm
 10000 W 70 dBm
See Full Conversion Table

Watt To dBm Conversion Table

Power (watt) Power (dBm)
0.0005 W -3 dBm
0.0006 W -2 dBm
0.0008 W -1 dBm
0.001 W 0 dBm
0.0013 W 1 dBm
0.0016 W 2 dBm
0.002 W 3 dBm
0.0025 W 4 dBm
0.0032 W 5 dBm
0.004 W 6 dBm
0.005 W 7 dBm
0.0063 W 8 dBm
0.0079 W 9 dBm
0.01 W 10 dBm
0.0126 W 11 dBm
0.0158 W 12 dBm
0.02 W 13 dBm
0.0251 W 14 dBm
0.0316 W 15 dBm
0.0398 W 16 dBm
0.0501 W 17 dBm
0.0631 W 18 dBm
0.0794 W 19 dBm
0.1 W 20 dBm
0.1259 W 21 dBm
0.1585 W 22 dBm
0.1995 W 23 dBm
0.2512 W 24 dBm
0.3165 W 25 dBm
0.3981 W 26 dBm
0.5012 W 27 dBm
0.631 W 28 dBm
0.7943 W 29 dBm
1.00 W 30 dBm
1.26 W 31 dBm
1.58 W 32 dBm
2.00 W 33 dBm
2.51 W 34 dBm
3.16 W 35 dBm
3.98 W 36 dBm
5.01 W 37 dBm
6.31 W 38 dBm
7.94 W 39 dBm
10.00 W 40 dBm
12.59 W 41 dBm
15.85 W 42 dBm
19.95 W 43 dBm
25.12 W 44 dBm
31.62 W 45 dBm
39.81 W 46 dBm
50.12 W 47 dBm
63.10 W 48 dBm
Power (watt) Power (dBm)
79.43 W 49 dBm
100.00 W 50 dBm
125.89 W 51 dBm
158.49 W 52 dBm
199.53 W 53 dBm
251.19 W 54 dBm
316.23 W 55 dBm
398.11 W 56 dBm
501.19 W 57 dBm
630.96 W 58 dBm
794.33 W 59 dBm
1,0 kW 60 dBm
1.26 kW 61 dBm
1.58 kW 62 dBm
2.00 kW 63 dBm
2.51 kW 64 dBm
3.16 kW 65 dBm
3.98 kW 66 dBm
5.01 kW 67 dBm
6.31 kW 68 dBm
7.94 kW 69 dBm
10.00 kW 70 dBm
12.59 kW 71 dBm
15.85 kW 72 dBm
19.95 kW 73 dBm
25.12 kW 74 dBm
31.62 kW 75 dBm
39.81 kW 76 dBm
50.12 kW 77 dBm
63.10 kW 78 dBm
79.43 kW 79 dBm
100.00 kW 80 dBm
125.89 kW 81 dBm
158.49 kW 82 dBm
199.53 kW 83 dBm
251.19 kW 84 dBm
316.23 kW 85 dBm
398.11 kW 86 dBm
501.19 kW 87 dBm
630.96 kW 88 dBm
794.33 kW 89 dBm
1.0 MW 90 dBm
1.26 MW 91 dBm
1.58 MW 92 dBm
2.00 MW 93 dBm
2.51 MW 94 dBm
3.16 MW 95 dBm
3.98 MW 96 dBm
5.01 MW 97 dBm
6.31 MW 98 dBm
7.94 MW 99 dBm
10.00 MW 100 dBm

What is Watts to dBm conversion calculator?

Watts to dBm conversion calculator converts the power value in Watts to dBm value. Watt (W) is a SI unit for measuring the power, and dBm stands for decibel-milliwatts, which is a decibel unit for measuring the power.

How to calculate power (in dBm) for the given watts?

The following formula is used to determine the power value (in dBm unit) for a given power level in Watt (W).

dBm stands for decibel-milliwatts; is a dimensionless unit used to define/measure signal strength (power level), with reference to 1 milliwatt. (i.e., the power level of 0dBm represents 1milliwatt). The dBm is a convenient unit; used in radio, microwave, audio applications, and fiber-optical communications networks to measure signal strength.

Signal’s power level lower than 1 mW has negative dBm values, and the signals stronger than 1 mW have positive dBm values.

The benefit of expressing signal strength (power) in dBm is: we can express both very large and very small power values (W) in a short range of number. For example, 5 mW is equal to 7 dBm, and 100 KW is equal to 80 dBm. Also, the decibel unit representation simplifies the multiplication and division operation into addition and subtraction.
