Registration Closing Soon for Military Space Situational Awareness 2021

Registration Closing Soon for Military Space Situational Awareness 2021

SMi Group’s 16th annual Military Space Situational Awareness conference will convene virtually on 28th – 29th April 2021. So far hosting 110+ attendees and 29 expert speakers, this year’s forum will bring together key stakeholders across the military, government and industry sectors to discuss how to build a collaborative approach to space management and Space Situational Awareness (SSA), as well as how to balance operational necessity with responsible use of space.

Registration will soon be closing, so interested parties are urged to secure their place as soon as possible here.

Key Focuses Include:

  • Hearing from senior military and civil officials on the latest solutions being implemented to enhance the security of space assets through domain awareness.
  • Listening to exclusive briefings from USSF, RAF, UKSA and leading international SSA programs.
  • Examining key issues such as space surveillance and tracking, the US Space Force's approach to SSA, the impact of new mega-constellations, space security, and international partnerships in space.
  • Discussing how best government and industry can manage further space congestion through policy implementation, best practices and international partnerships, to ensure future sustainable use of space.

Key Presentations Include:

  • The Military Applications of SSA to Maximize Operational Effectiveness by Group Captain Rayna Owens, DACOS Capability Space, Royal Air Force
  • UK Lines of Effort in SSA by Ms Emily Mills, Domestic Space Surveillance & Tracking Lead, UK Space Agency
  • French Space Command Modernisation Plans and Lines of Effort by Lieutenant Colonel Clement Berthillot, Deputy Commander, French SSA Operational Center, French Space Command
  • The Possibilities of XGEO Domain Awareness by Dr James Frith, XGEO Tech Area Lead, Space Vehicles Directorate, US AFRL
  • Japan Air Self Defence Force SSA Update by Lieutenant Colonel Ajiki Toshihide, Commander Space Operations Squadron, Japan Air Defense Force
  • Closing Keynote Address: Partnering for Shared Space Domain Awareness by Mr Gordon Ray Kordyak, Executive Lead for Space Domain Awareness & Chief, Space Domain Awareness Division, US Space Force

As the leading conference in Europe dedicated to space domain awareness, Military Space Situational Awareness 2021 is an essential date for all those in the sector. The full agenda, speaker line-up and brochure can be viewed online here.

Publisher: everything RF