One2Touch To Showcase NFC Tap-and-Stay Communication At MWC 2017

One2Touch, a global innovator in NFC-powered continuous communication technology and products, has decided to push the boundaries of NFC technology even further, beyond mobile payments, to deliver “tap-and-stay” communication for next-generation IoT toys, gaming, wearables and mobile accessories.

Leveraging O2T NFC platform’s “tap-and-stay” capability, mobile accessories can now be manufactured without a need for batteries or charging, enabling seamless integration of personal smart devices to a user’s physical world. The result will be a wide range of exciting IoT applications that consumers can continue enjoying, as long as they want. One2Touch’s innovative NFC-based technology platform is engineered for seamless, secure and continuous communications between main/hub devices and accessories. Based on power harvesting and One2Touch’s protocol stack for continuous communication, mobile devices and accessories can both connect and communicate via NFC.

One2Touch will also display a new innovative NFC keyboard cover in addition to showcasing demos in collaboration with LEGO and AiQ at the upcoming MWC 2017. Visitors can interact with one common game through three “stations”:

  • Proximity sensors in fabrics
  • LEGO gaming portal: transferring physical figurines into the game
  • LEGO sensor hub: interact with the game through color sensor, rotation sensor and push buttons on a LEGO vehicle
Publisher: everything RF