FCC Certification of Wireless Charging at a Distance Enables Dialog to Accelerate Chip Set Mass Production

Dialog Semiconductor has announced the acceleration of a complete end-to-end production ready WattUp IC roadmap. This has been made possible as a direct result of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification of the Energous Mid Field WattUp transmitter reference design. This certification represents a substantial step forward for the wireless charging industry. The availability of a complete IC system roadmap paves the way for a fundamental shift in the way consumers charge many of their portable electronics and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including smartphones, wearables and hearables.

Dialog has already successfully launched and sampled to customers the first WattUp wireless power transmitter System-on-Chip (SoC), the DA4100, alongside the first WattUp RF-to-DC receiver ICs, the DA2200 and DA2210. These chips not only enable RF-based, Near Field (contact based) wireless charging but are also fundamental to the now certified Over-the-Air, Power-at-a-Distance Wireless Charging system. As a result, Dialog is accelerating the next phase in WattUp chip set qualification by adding the critical DA1210 Beamforming IC and the DA3210 Power Amplifier (PA) IC, needed to complete the chipset for the Power-at-a-Distance transmitter system.

The recent announcement by the FCC is the first time equipment certification has been awarded to any device that charges wirelessly at a distance, and operates under Part 18 of the FCC's rules. The FCC's Part 18 rules permit higher-power operations than are permitted under the Part 15 rules that have been used to approve other at a distance charging devices.

Dialog will be sampling the DA1210 beamforming IC and DA3210 PA to lead customers this quarter and will provide complete system solutions for both Near Field and Power-at-a-Distance Wireless Charging by combining the full range of WattUp ICs with Dialog's complementary SmartBond Bluetooth low energy, AC/DC and Power Management chips delivering optimized transmitter-to-receiver solutions. Additionally, Dialog is working with Energous to commercialize WattUp high power Near Field systems through the use of high efficiency GaN ICs which provide sufficient power to charge smartphones and other such consumer devices.

Dialog is demonstrating the latest Energous WattUp technology including the latest additions to the chip roadmap at CES in Las Vegas in its private demo suite at the Venetian hotel.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Wireless Power