CPI Antenna Systems Acquires Viasat's Large-Diameter Satcom Antenna Product Line

The Antenna Systems Division (ASD) of Communications & Power Industries LLC, has signed an agreement to purchase the limited-motion satellite antenna family from global communications company, Viasat. CPI ASD will acquire Viasat's 6m to 18m multi-band antennas, providing a valuable extension of CPI ASD's larger-diameter antenna product line, while enabling Viasat to focus on antenna and communications technologies for the growing broadband services market. The purchase price for the antennas was not disclosed.

According to the agreement, Viasat will transfer a range of limited-motion antennas at sizes including 6m, 7.3m, 9.1m, 11.3m, 13.5m and 16/18m, plus a 3.9m truck-mounted antenna, all designed for multi-band operation at C, Ku and DBS frequency bands. These products will be integrated into the CPI ASD satcom product line, which currently extends from nomadic 2.5m antennas up to 9.4m multi-band earth stations. CPI ASD will manufacture the large-diameter antenna products at its facilities in Whitby, Ontario, Canada.

The sale of the limited-motion GEO Satcom antennas will allow Viasat to exit a non-core business in antenna manufacturing to focus on its Ka-band services business and related technologies.  As part of the agreement, CPI will serve as a source for Viasat in the fulfillment of satellite ground system orders.

The agreement is focused on the purchase of antenna technologies and is not expected to have an impact on employee headcount at either company. For more information, click here.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaMerger