Mobile Experts Releases Detailed RF Front End Market Forecast

Mobile Experts has released a new report, divulging their latest projections about where the RFFE market is headed. Their latest report is both thorough and detailed, tracking all of the Radio Frequency components used in 2G/3G/LTE/5G terminals, including integrated modules and mm-wave sub-arrays.

According to the report, the net growth of the market works out to about 12% for 2018, but only 6% CAGR over the next five years. Growth will result from new frequency bands and 5G, as well as 4x4 MIMO. But the report also expects strong price erosion over the next few years, driven by new competition entering the market. Mobile Experts is tracking five major competitors for highly integrated Front End Modules, and at least four other companies that will impact FEM pricing from the low end of the market.

The report covers RF devices used in smartphones, feature phones, tablets, PCs, hotspots, and Cellular IoT devices.  Amplifiers, filters, switches, tuners, and LNAs are included, as well as Front End Modules that combine PA/Filter/switch and other functions. Quadplexers, antenna-plexers, and other special RF components are illustrated in detail.

Mobile Experts illustrates one wild card in the RFFE market: disruptions to the modem market. According to the report, Qualcomm is actively co-developing their modem and RFFE products for high performance when used in combination. Envelope tracking projects have paired modem vendors and RF vendors. These factors will change the dynamics of the market, since modems and RF devices were fairly independent in the past.

The research company expects the strongest growth to come in the form of Complete Front End devices that include Power Amplifier, Filter, and Switch functions in highly integrated modules. The CFE (also known as a PAMiD) is simply the best way to pack high numbers of bands into a phone. Diversity modules, tuners, antenna-plexers, and hexa-plexers will contribute to meaningful growth in the RFFE market. Discrete devices will continue to be an important part of the total market as well.  As far as market shares go, the report has been able to list the positions of the top 12 suppliers, as well as full details of market share for each component and module type in our latest report.

Click here to view the full report.

Publisher: everything RF