Aaronia AARTOS Anti-Drone System Used to Protect the NATO Summit in Brussels

The Belgium Police selected the Aaronia AARTOS counter-UAV system to protect the 2018 NATO Summit (in Brussels from 11-12 July) from the growing threat posed by unmanned aircraft systems. Multiple AARTOS systems were positioned at the roof of the NATO headquarter and on top of the Triumphal Arch in Brussels Jubelpark, the place where the NATO delegation had dinner.

The AARTOS system can detect, track, identify and defeat a drone in approximately 3 seconds up to a range of 15 km or 9 miles. It can even detect multi-band drones using RF detection in real-time before using a radio frequency (RF) jammer to defeat the drone. A fully integrated, long range auto target tracking camera backs up the RF detection and is used to verify the drone type and payload.

Using the Aaronia AARTOS Sector Jammer Solutions, an operator can effectively take control of a drone and force a safe landing. The system is military grade, designed and proven to operate in harsh environments. It works in all weather, day or night and the disruption is flexible, proportional and operator controlled.

The AARTOS systems are used by various government agencies, the police and military to protect high value critical national infrastructure and personnel or strategically important sites/events. These include nuclear power stations, borders, political or VIP events, airports and airbases. The detect-track-identify and defeat C-UAV system was released to the market in 2015 and already is offered in its 3rd generation with the 4th generation to hit the market end of 2018. In 2017 over 50 systems have been deployed, and Aaronia has already received more than 300 new orders for 2018.

This system was also used during the Trum - Kim meeting in Singapore - Click here to learn more.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SafetyDronesDrone Detection