US Air Force Uses Raytheon GPS OCX for Launch of the GPS III Satellite into Final Orbit

Raytheon’s GPS Next-Generation Operational Control System (GPS OCX) has been used by the US Air Force to support the launch of the first GPS III satellite, into space. The GPS OCX will now maneuver the GPS III satellite into its final orbit, a process that will take the ground control system 10 days to accomplish.

The GPS OCX Block 0 launch and checkout system is foundational to the improved precision, navigation and timing of the entire constellation. The fully modernized GPS OCX Block 0 launch and checkout system will support the launch of future GPS III satellites, enabling the introduction of a new civil signal, enhanced military signals, and anti-jam capabilities.

The ground system has achieved the highest level of cybersecurity protections of any Department of Defense space system, and its open architecture allows it to integrate new capabilities and signals as they become available, ensuring continued protection against future cyber threats.

In addition to GPS OCX's role, RGNext, a joint venture between Raytheon and General Dynamics IT, provided operational launch support to ensure the safe launch of the Falcon 9 rocket that was carrying the GPS III satellite. RGNext operates the launch range on behalf of the U.S. Air Force, providing maintenance, range safety, weather monitoring, communication and surveillance support for all launches conducted by defense, civil and commercial companies at the range.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SatelliteGPS