RFS to Help Operators Deploy 5G with Minimal Visual Impact

RFS to Help Operators Deploy 5G with Minimal Visual Impact

Radio Frequency Systems (RFS), a designer and manufacturer of total-package solutions for wireless and broadcast infrastructure will be speaking at three major 5G conferences this year as it actively works with operators and OEMs on the evolution of 5G

RFS executives will speak as panelists on 5G in North America, Europe and APAC over the next six months as they continue to introduce operators to the concept of 5G by stealth – integrating 5G functionality into their networks with minimal impact on the visual, weight and space restrictions that operators must work within.

RFS will back up the concept, discussing its 5G-ready range, which combines the technical performance needed to support 5G, with reliability and simplicity, in a compact product form with low visual impact. These products allow the delivery of stealth 5G and are designed to offer streamlined and future-proofed solutions which tackle the restraints operators face when deploying new infrastructure.

For example, RFS’ Active Passive Antenna (APA) concept supports the evolution of existing 4G infrastructure to 5G. The evolved APA features a modular architecture that allows mobile operators to deploy any RFS passive antenna today then seamlessly upgrade the antenna with active components when the time is right for 5G with no impact on either the passive or active aspects of antenna performance.

RFS is offering both the concept of stealth 5G as the answer to operator challenges, and delivering on it, with the 5G-ready range as an available solution. 

RFS Executives will be speaking at the following events: 

BIG 5G, Denver, US, May 8, 2019, at 2:30 pm Chuck Powell, Product Director for Base Station Antennas at Radio Frequency Systems will speak as part of a panel looking at the impact of Massive MIMO and the challenges in deploying the technology.

5G World, London, June 13, 2019, at 4 pm Andre Doll, CTO at RFS will join a panel including experts from ABI Research, Telecom Italia and Small Cell Forum to explore the evolution of wireless networks infrastructure towards 5G.

5G Asia, Singapore September 11-13, 2019 RFS will discuss 5G in Asia and the challenges the region faces when it comes to delivering 5G commercially over the next 12 months. 

Publisher: everything RF