Globalfoundries & Soitec Sign Multiple SOI Wafer Supply Deals

Globalfoundries & Soitec Sign Multiple SOI Wafer Supply Deals

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) has signed multiple long-term supply agreements for 300mm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers with leading semiconductor materials developer, Soitec. With the agreements GF aims to meet the growing demand for its differentiated radio-frequency-silicon-on-insulator (RF-SOI), fully-depleted-silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) and silicon photonics technology platforms. The agreements, build on the existing close relationship between the companies to ensure state-of-the-art high-volume manufacturing for years to come.

Through industry leadership from both companies, RF-SOI solutions are used in 100 percent of smartphones manufactured today and FD-SOI has become the standard technology for cost-effective, low-power devices in high-volume consumer and IoT applications as well as for mission critical safety solutions in automotive proximity sensing. Silicon photonics technologies enable solutions to support the massive growth in communication infrastructure for data centers and next-generation 5G communication optical networks.

GLOBALFOUNDRIES, according to its Senior Vice President of Business Units, Bami Bastani, has been delivering and investing in highly differentiated industry-leading technologies required for 5G, IoT, Data Center and Automotive applications. And these long-term agreements with Soitec, a valued partner, represent the company’s commitment to ensure a secure supply of ultra-lower power, high-performance SOI solutions and supply that meet customers fast growing needs and unprecedented demand in these attractive markets. According to Soitec, GF is leading the industry in providing differentiated SOI solutions, creating more demand for Soitec's engineered substrates.

Soitec is a world leader in designing and manufacturing innovative semiconductor materials. It uses its unique technologies and semiconductor expertise to serve the electronics markets. With more than 3,500 patents worldwide, Soitec’s strategy is based on disruptive innovation to answer its customers’ needs for high performance, energy efficiency and cost competitiveness. The company has manufacturing facilities, R&D centers and offices in Europe, the U.S. and Asia.

Click here to know more about GLOBALFOUNDRIES' RF SOI technologies.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SOISilicon on Insulator