Cryogenic Components

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Cryogenic Components from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Cryogenic components are designed to operate at ultra low temperatures. Narrow down on products by type, frequency and other parameters.

What are Cryogenic Components?

Cryogenic components are components that are designed to operate at ultra-low temperatures (−150 °C to −273 °C). These components are used in a wide range of applications that include quantum computing (to generate q bits), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and satellites in space. The number of applications that require cryogenic components has been increasing over the last few years. As a result, there are now more manufacturers that are making cryogenic components.

everything RF has listed all the cryogenic components that can be used for RF products and made them searchable by specification. Select a category and then enter your frequency range of interest and other parameters. Our search tool will scan all cryogenic component manufacturer catalogs to find products meet your requirement.

Click here to read more about the application of cryogenic components.