What are Octave Band Amplifiers?

What are Octave Band amplifiers, Half-Octave Band Amplifiers and Multi-Octave band amplifiers?

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- everything RF

May 5, 2019

Broadband RF amplifiers operate over a frequency range. When the upper frequency of an amplifier is double the lowest frequency, it is known as an octave band amplifier. So for example if an amplifier operates from 3000 MHz to 6000 MHz, it is known as an octave band amplifiers.

A half octave band amplifier is one in which the highest frequency of amplifier is 1.5x. So an amplifier that operates from 4000 to 6000 MHz would be known as a Half Octave Band Amplifier.

A multi-octave band amplifier is one in which the highest frequency of amplifier is multiple greater than 2 times the lower frequency. So an amplifier that operates from 4000 to 12000 MHz or 4000 to 16000 MHz would be known as a Multi-Octave Band Amplifier.