The RFIC Symposium is a part of Microwave Week, a group of co-located IEEE conferences which includes the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) and the Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group (ARFTG). RFIC is a premier IEEE conference in the world focused on RFIC technology. The event this year is expanding its scope to include Systems, Applications, and Interactive Demonstrations. This includes systems and applications in 5G, radar, imaging, terahertz, biomedical, connectivity, and optoelectronic areas. In addition to the Emerging Circuit Technology area introduced last year, this year the symposium has introduced a new System Applications sub-committee that targets papers with system novelty in a range of topics related to communication, radar, imaging, security, and biomedical areas. The Interactive Demonstration Session is being restructured to highlight these system papers and provide more engagement opportunities for the audience.