Interview with Su-Wei Chang from TMYTEK

  • Su-Wei Chang - Founder

everything RF recently interviewed Su-Wei Chang who is the Founder of TMYTEK. Mr. Su-Wei Chang worked at Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (ASIAA) as an mmWave receiver engineer, where he was involved in developing the mmWave and sub-mmWave receiver systems for radio telescopes. His research interests include low noise, cryogenic circuits design, and applications, silicon-based MMIC up to mm-wave bands. He founded TMYTEK in 2014 and is currently the president.

Q. Can you tell us about TMYTEK? When was the company formed and how has it evolved over the years?

TMYTEK was co-founded by Su-Wei Chang and Ethan Lin in 2014. In 2017, TMYTEK made a strategic move into the 5G market after successfully completing a 39 GHz up-down converter project commissioned by the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology. This project marked a significant turning point, propelling TMYTEK to specialize in mmWave solutions for 5G/B5G and satellite communication applications. 

In 2018, TMYTEK introduced their flagship products, the beamformer BBox and frequency converter UD Box, addressing challenges in 5G mmWave communication development. Despite slow progress in millimeter-wave technology within the 5G landscape, TMYTEK persisted, refining sales strategies, and prioritizing market education. The introduction of Developer Kits in 2020 facilitated customer adoption, leading to a sales surge from 2021 onwards. Strategic partnerships, notably with National Instruments (NI), Celanese, and HCMF Group, enabled TMYTEK to offer integrated solutions beyond telecommunications, spanning satellite and automotive industries. This commitment to innovation and collaboration fueled TMYTEK's substantial growth, marking them as a solution-oriented industry leader.

Q. Can you tell us about your product portfolio? Which product segment is the largest for you?

TMYTEK aims to revolutionize the development of 5G/B5G mmWave technology. This journey involves three primary stages. Firstly, in the early stages of research and development, academics and industry experts require specialized tools to advance their work. Secondly, testing becomes critical to validate the technology's capabilities. We need cost-effective testing solutions capable of high-speed operations, applicable across various sectors such as mobile communication, SATCOM, automotive, and defense. Lastly, during deployment, addressing the need for high-performance and stable phased array technology emerges as a key challenge. 

mmW Instruments:

  • Beamformer, BBox - a mmWave beamformer designed for 5G mmWave antenna designers, system/communication designers, and protocol algorithm developers. TMYTEK also implemented a dedicated designed GUI/API control phase and amplitude in the BBox – allowing users to achieve precise beamforming of any antennas they are developing easily and efficiently.
  • Frequency converter, UD Box - An ultra-broadband 5G/B5G mmWave frequency converter covering a range from 6 GHz to 53 GHz. It extends capabilities for Sub-6 GHz equipment, offering enhanced production and testing flexibility for 5G/6G, satellite communication, and radar sensing applications. 
  • mmW-SDR/OAI - the mmW-SDR bundle by TMYTEK and NI through a detailed examination of cutting-edge testbeds featuring TMYTEK BBox 5G beamformers, UD Box 5G frequency converters, and NI Ettus USRP X410. Designed to accelerate wireless advancements, this platform empowers researchers and engineers to unlock the potential of mmWave technology in various applications. With features like rapid beam switching, efficient T/R mode switching, and wide beam steering angles, mmW-SDR facilitates exploration in areas such as 5G FR2, mmWave radar sensing, and beam management. mmW-OAI is extended from mmW-SDR, deeply integrated with the OAI open-source stack for 5G FR2 End-to-End (E2E) test network experiments and trials. Whether investigating communication modes or advancing wireless technologies, mmW-SDR provides a ready-to-use solution for impactful research.

mmW Testing Solutions

  • OTA Testing, XBeam - XBeam is an Over-The-Air (OTA) testing solution without mechanical positioners. OTA is the only way to test the mmWave AiP modules. XBeam with pure electronic beam-to-beam measurement is 100 times faster than any traditional method. It can also be integrated with handlers as automation test equipment to improve mmWave module testing efficiency and to meet the production goals at a reasonable cost.

mmW Phased Array Solutions

  • mmWave Phased Array Solution - TMYTEK is offering one-stop phased array design services to fulfill different antenna system requirements for various applications, from the ground, maritime, and air communication. The design capabilities support SATCOM, 5G/B5G, and radar sensing that covers different GHz frequencies, and antenna elements from small scale to large matrix. It offers well-balanced high EIRP performances, thermal and compact size in one solid tile-based design. Contributed by the deep-dive ecosystem collaboration, TMYTEK’s design is the only choice for the best cost-effective and time-efficient solution for essential performance.

Q. What market segments do you cater to? Which segment is the largest for you?

TMYTEK caters to various market segments within the mmWave industry, including Mobile and Satellite communication, automotive, and defense. The solutions span across from development, testing, to deployment phases. In the mobile communication sector, TMYTEK provide solutions for developers involved in 5G O-RAN with O-RU, small cell, and macro cell technologies. In satellite communication, it offers solutions catering to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), and Geostationary Orbit (GEO) satellites, as well as high altitude pseudo satellite (HAPS) systems. Additionally, it also offerings extend to radar sensing applications in the automotive industry and defense sector.

Among these segments, it's challenging to pinpoint a single largest segment for TMYTEK as their solutions are versatile and applicable across multiple industries. However, significant traction and demand have been observed across all segments, indicating a balanced presence and relevance in each. TMYTEK's Phased Array technology stands out as a crucial component applicable to deployment across all these segments, contributing to the versatility and effectiveness of their solutions.

Q. TMYTEK offers a range of solutions for 5G and mmWave Testing. Can you tell us more about these solutions? Which one is getting the most traction?

In addition to the OTA testing XBeam, TMYTEK introduced a wideband FR2/FR3 testing solution for the mass production of mmWave chipsets, modules, and devices in 2023. This innovative solution represents a significant advancement in upgrading existing sub-6 GHz testing capabilities, ensuring a streamlined and efficient production process for mmWave chipsets, modules, and devices. The solution features the UD Box 5G/0630 and Matrix Switch—a comprehensive testing solution. The UD Box series, can easily up-convert the low-frequency signal from 0.01 - 14 GHz to 6 - 53 GHz mmWave band with barely performance degradation, covering both FR2 and FR3 bands. This capability effectively addresses the challenges of high-frequency testing equipment costs. Furthermore, when combined with the TMYTEK Matrix Switch—a flexible and multi-port RF switching machine supporting SP72T and frequencies up to 52 GHz—this integrated solution meets the demands of high-frequency measurement while enhancing testing throughput. It eliminates manual control and mass cabling limitations, providing a comprehensive and efficient testing environment for mmWave chipsets, modules, and devices.

Q. What is BBox 5G?

TMYTEK BBox 5G is a remarkable mmWave analog beamformer designed for 5G mmWave antenna array development and beam steering applications. It combines several essential RF components, including transmit/receive (T/R) switches, power amplifiers (PA), low noise amplifiers (LNA), and phase shifters. Additionally, it features TMYTEK’s standard antenna for 5G beam steering. The BBox 5G allows you to focus on 5G antenna array design and mmWave application development by providing an integrated solution. Its software interface offers both GUI and API control, making it easier to manipulate beam angles for 5G research and development. Moreover, BBox 5G is highly compatible, supporting various applications such as 5G New Radio millimeter-wave beamforming, over-the-air (OTA) communication, fast mmWave scanning channel sounding systems, and mmWave radar applications. With its detachable antenna kit, BBox 5G enables antenna array designers to seamlessly replace it with their own designs. This ready-to-use mmWave device is an ideal choice for 5G NR mmWave system integration, offering complete software/hardware integration and accessible programming for beam synthesis algorithm developers.

Q. Can you tell us about the 5G mmWave FR-2 Testbed?

 The mmW-SDR bundle by TMYTEK and NI through a detailed examination of cutting-edge testbeds featuring TMYTEK BBox 5G beamformers, UD Box 5G frequency converters, and NI Ettus USRP X410. Designed to accelerate wireless advancements, this platform empowers researchers and engineers to unlock the potential of mmWave technology in various applications. With features like rapid beam switching, efficient T/R mode switching, and wide beam steering angles, mmW-SDR facilitates exploration in areas such as 5G FR2, mmWave radar sensing, and beam management. mmW-OAI is extended from mmW-SDR, deeply integrated with the OAI open-source stack for 5G FR2 End-to-End (E2E) test network experiments and trials. Whether investigating communication modes or advancing wireless technologies, mmW-SDR provides a ready-to-use solution for impactful research.

Q. Can you tell us about your Phased Array design services? What is Phased Array? What made you offer this service?

TMYTEK offers comprehensive phased array design services to address the challenges of high costs associated with array antennas and deployment in Mobile Communication, SATCOM, Automotive, and Defense sectors. Our one-stop solution caters to diverse antenna system requirements across ground, maritime, and air communication applications. With expertise in SATCOM, 5G/B5G, and radar sensing, our designs span various GHz frequencies and encompass antenna elements ranging from small-scale to large matrix arrays. We offer well-balanced high EIRP performance, thermal efficiency, and compact size in a solid tile-based design. Leveraging deep-dive ecosystem collaboration, TMYTEK ensures the most cost-effective and time-efficient solution for essential performance. Additionally, being situated in Taiwan, renowned for its exceptional supply chain, facilitates seamless design and collaboration, driving industry innovation and efficiency.

Q. Who are your customers and where are they located? What is the % breakup by continent?

In 2023, TMYTEK continued to serve a diverse customer base worldwide, spanning academic, institutional, research and development, and deployment sectors. Specifically, our clientele breakdown by continent was as follows: Europe constituted 30%, Japan 15%, the United States 15%, China 25%, with the remainder distributed across other regions globally.

Q. Can you tell us more about your sales and support channels? How do you sell your products and how do you provide global customer support?

TMYTEK has established a global network of distributors to facilitate sales and support channels for our products. Recognizing the importance of local partners in promoting and servicing our offerings effectively, we continue to expand our reach through strategic marketing efforts and the development of value-added products tailored to customer needs. In 2021, TMYTEK initiated a partnership with NI, leveraging their extensive selling channels and account relationships to mutual benefit. This collaboration has enhanced our sales capabilities, allowing us to reach a broader audience and provide superior support to customers worldwide.

Q. How has 2023 been for TMYTEK? What were the highlights? What are the plans for 2024? Are there any new products/solutions on the horizon?

In 2023, TMYTEK expanded their portfolio to include ORAN infrastructure, aiming to reduce the cost of millimeter-wave base stations. Through a partnership with Allbesmart, they established the mmW-OAI ORAN network testbed, integrating their mmWave-SDR with TMYTEK's BBox and UD Box alongside NI's SDR. This initiative broadened TMYTEK's solution portfolio.

Over the past two years, TMYTEK has worked extensively to establish their phased array technology and manufacturing capability, resulting in the development of deployable products spanning design and mass production phases. They've also expanded into integrating phased array technology for radar sensing into automotive applications through collaborations with Tier 1 partners. In 2024, TMYTEK has developed products ready for use, covering both design and mass production phases. Additionally, the company is currently managing multiple business projects.

In terms of funding, TMYTEK raised $15 million in 2023, bringing their total capital to $29 million. These funds will be used to strengthen their phased array market strategy and enhance the mass production of their products.


TMY Technology, Inc. (TMYTEK) is an innovator and a game-changer that delivers the breakthroughs of millimeter-wave solutions in 5G/B5G and satellite communication applications to worldwide clients. As a leading technology developer, TMYTEK enables people’s everyday life with better connectivity from our clients’ products. By transforming the mmWave RF fronted with innovative devices, inventing ready-to-use beamforming development kit, implementing phased arrays with modern Antenna-in-Package (AiP) technology, and redefining the OTA testing methodology, TMYTEK empowers industrial inventions to market faster. Together with our global partners and allies, we make historical firsts and positively impact society.