Resonant Enhances XBAR Resonator Performance to Address 5G and Wi-Fi Co-existence Issues

Resonant Enhances XBAR Resonator Performance to Address 5G and Wi-Fi Co-existence Issues

Resonant Inc. has announced expanded performance for its XBAR high-frequency resonator for RF filters that can manage the co-existence of 5G, Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E networks, protecting each from co-interference and the resulting degradation in network performance.

Resonant’s ground-breaking XBAR technology enables ultra wide operating bandwidths at high frequencies. The company has demonstrated measured results of XBAR-based filters that operate in frequency bands supporting 5G and Wi-Fi up to 7000 MHz (802.11 ax) with bandwidths over 1000 MHz (18% relative bandwidth). These filters also achieve low-losses (<1.5 dB) across the band and offer excellent rejection to adjacent interfering frequencies (>50 dB).

Resonator structures support acoustic resonance at defined frequencies and are the foundational building blocks underlying all acoustic-wave RF filters. This expanded XBAR resonator structure was created on Resonant’s high-precision, multi-physics Infinite Synthesized Networks (ISN) RF filter design platform. The company has also introduced its HiPower SAW innovation using ISN.

Rejection of interfering frequencies is important in emerging 5G and Wi-Fi technologies. The roll-out of the 5G n79 band, as well as Wi-Fi 6E, creates significant interference and co-existence issues which require the high-performance filtering enabled by acoustic-wave filters.

As data consumption grows, the industry is adopting higher-speed wireless networks. According to the latest Cisco Internet Report, the number of Wi-Fi 6 hotspots will grow 13 fold globally by 2023 to 628 million. This will drive a new range of wireless infrastructure products including base stations, access points and others that will support both 5G and Wi-Fi. In these applications, the filter must mitigate the interference between each signal to prevent signal bleed, to allow operation across the full band.

In Resonant’s measurements, filters based on this new resonator technology display wide bandwidths of up to the 1100 MHz needed for high-frequency Wi-Fi devices, and demonstrate power handling that meets the requirements of both Wi-Fi and 5G.

Resonant is continuing its identification of innovative ways to solve wide bandwidth, high-frequency filter problems driven by the insatiable appetite for wireless data. With XBAR technologies, developed with ISN, the company is winning acclaim for laying the foundation for RF filters that reach performance levels needed for the next generation of filters for 5G and Wi-Fi while also benefiting from using the most cost-effective manufacturing processes.

Click here to download the whitepaper titled: High Frequency Resonator is Foundation for High-Throughput 5G Services – And Much More.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   FilterWi-FiResonator5G