Radiocraft Introduces Shielded Industrial IoT Module based on MIOTY Technology

Radiocraft Introduces Shielded Industrial IoT Module based on MIOTY Technology

Radiocrafts has launched the word’s first shielded RF module (RC1882CEF-MIOTY1) based on the Mioty radio protocol for industrial use (Smart Metering, Smart City, and Industrial sensor applications). MIOTY is a low-power, wide-area network (LPWAN) protocol that was designed to have the best-in-class reliability and scalability of all available LPWAN technologies today to support massive industrial and commercial IoT deployments. MIOTY is the first and only technology to comply with the ETSI telegram splitting ultra-narrow band (TS-UNB) technical specification for low throughput networks (TS 103 357).

Mioty implements the ETSI TS 103 357 specifying UNB-TS using Ultra-narrowband radio and Telegram Splitting as its core technology to achieve the best-in-class energy-efficient, scalable, and reliable transmission of sensor data over distances of up to 20 kilometres Line-of-Sight. The Telegram Splitting technology ensures high resistance to interference, reducing packet loss in noisy environments and crowded, shared spectrum.

Key Features of the New MIOTY Module and Mioty Technology:
  • LPWAN: Ultra-narrowband radio with Telegram Splitting technology
  • Highly resistant to interference
  • Only LPWAN for massive IoT deployments
  • More than a million messages per day in one network (single gateway)
  • Typical 20 km line-of-sight, 5 km in urban environment
  • License free 868 MHz for Europe, 915 MHz for US / FCC (to be released)
  • Very low power consumption, short radio transmissions, battery friendly
  • Pin compatible with other products from Radiocrafts
  • Shielded compact module, only 12.7 x 25.4 mm

The RC1882CEF-MIOTY1 module supports a UART interface and is based on an AT command set. The module is also supported by a Development Kit consisting of two Development Boards and accessories that out-of-the-box can be connected to a PC, and ready to send application data to a Mioty gateway. The module will work with any third-party Mioty gateway.

This new module and associated development tools will be a kick-starter enabling companies like yours to quickly evaluate the technology, build prototypes, and do proof of concept with minimum effort and investments.

RC1882CEF-MIOTY2 is the second Mioty module, scheduled for release in Q3 and will be based on Radiocrafts innovative and unique ICI framework, using an API to tailor the modules’ behavior to the customers’ unique requirements.

Both modules will have the same form factor as all other Radiocrafts modules so users can easily replace their existing modules with Mioty modules.

Click here to read more about the shielded mioty module (RC1882CEF-MIOTY1).

Webinar on MIOTY technology

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   IoTRF ModuleMIOTY