Measure Antenna Patterns in Minutes Without Using Anechoic Chamber

Measure Antenna Patterns in Minutes Without Using Anechoic Chamber

MegiQ has developed a Radiation Measurement System (RMS) that can perform 3-axis radiation pattern measurement without an anechoic chamber. With a frequency range from 370 or 600 MHz to 4 GHz or 6 GHz, the RMS is well suited for characterization and measurement of Antenna Radiation Patterns, Antenna Gain, ERP, TRP, Field Strength.

MegiQ has carried out extensive evaluations with the Radiation Measurement System (RMS) and have found its accuracy to be similar to that of anechoic test labs. It can be used to characterize the wide range of wireless devices like IoT devices, routers, phones, electronic gadgets, tablets, laptops, RF-modules, etc.

The RMS has proven to be a tremendous asset during the development and evaluation of wireless devices. The improved product performance, as well as the savings on time-consuming range tests and test-lab measurements, will pay for the RMS by using it in just a few projects.

The Radiation Measurement System

The RMS rotates an object on the turntable and measures the radiation. With a rotation around the X, Y and Z axis the software plots the patterns and calculates statistics including Total Radiated Power (TRP). Each measuring point can contain a sweep of multiple frequencies so that multiple radiation patterns can be measured in one rotation sequence. With the Generator option, the RMS can also perform an antenna sweep and show the antenna gain over frequency. The RMS comes with an object fixture for small devices that allows easy positioning of the EUT (Equipment Under Test) in orthogonal positions on the object table. A labeling system helps the user to keep track of the axes. The RMS system works well in a moderate space. A 4 x 4 x 3-meter room works well above 800MHz. For smaller spaces or lower frequencies, a few strategic absorbers may be required.

RMS Control & Measurement Software

The RMS software controls the measurement system making it easy to perform measurements, organize the data, and create reports. It will guide the user through the 3 rotation axis steps.

For EUT (Equipment Under Test) with a constant carrier or packet stream mode, the RMS is used in a passive mode to rotate the EUT and record the field strength. For constant carriers, the receiver can measure multiple frequencies for each measurement point so that harmonic patterns (up to 4 or 6 GHz) can be measured simultaneously. The minimum step size is 2 degrees.

For EUT (Equipment Under Test) without a transmitter (prototype or standalone antenna) the Generator output can be used to feed a test signal to the EUT. In this mode, the RMS can measure rotation patterns (at up to 30 frequencies simulations) or perform a frequency sweep of the antenna gain. The S-parameters of the feed coax can be imported to compensate for the loss and impedance of the cable. 

In idle mode, the RMS monitors the signal and shows the polarization in real-time. It can also transmit a carrier with a calibrated power on the horizontal or vertical antenna. 

The results can be presented in Antenna Gain (dBi), Radiated Power EiRP (dBm), or Field Strength (dBuV/m). The software calculates statistics such as Min/Max level, Average, Total Radiated Power (TRP), Antenna Efficiency (dBi), and Directivity (dB). 

The rotation table can be controlled manually and rotation offset aides in the rotation of large objects.

Key Features of the Radiation Measurement System
  • Measurement of RF device constant carrier or packet stream radiation patterns. 
  • Frequency range 370 / 600 MHz to 4 / 6 GHz. 
  • Uncertainty 1dB (anechoic). Repeatability 0.5dB. 
  • Measuring distance 0.8 to 3 meter. 
  • 3-axis measurement. Plots per axis and 3D. 
  • Simultaneous Horizontal and Vertical polarization measurement. 
  • Simultaneous measurement of harmonic radiation.
  • Narrow antenna beamwidth for non-anechoic environments. 
  • Minimum step size 2 degrees. 
  • Integrated PC software suite supports measurement setup, rotation control, graphing, data storage and report generation. 
  • Plots of radiated power ERP (dBm), Antenna Gain (dBi), Field Strength (dBuV/m). 
  • Calculation of TRP, Minimum, Maximum and Average radiation. 
  • Optional Generator output for standalone antenna measurement. 
  • Optional Heavy Duty turntable (30kg). 
  • Optional Laser direction pointer.

Click here to read more information about MegiQ’s Radiation Measurement System (RMS).

Publisher: everything RF


  • Country: Netherlands
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