Virgin Hyperloop Collaborates with RADWIN to Implement Wireless Communications in the Pods

Virgin Hyperloop Collaborates with RADWIN to Implement Wireless Communications in the Pods

Virgin Hyperloop and RADWIN, have announced a joint collaboration to implement advanced wireless communications solutions for the high-speed pods used in the Hyperloop transportation system. RADWIN's FiberinMotion® wireless mobility solution has been used to transmit mission-critical information from the ultra-high-speed pods throughout hundreds of tests at their full-scale test site.

Virgin Hyperloop is the only company in the world that has successfully tested hyperloop technology at scale, launching the first new mode of mass transportation in over 100 years. The company successfully operated a full-scale hyperloop vehicle using electric propulsion and electromagnetic levitation under near-vacuum conditions, realizing a fundamentally new form of transportation that is faster, safer, cheaper, and more sustainable than existing modes. The company is now working with governments, partners, and investors around the world to make hyperloop a reality in years, not decades. Learn more about Virgin Hyperloop's technology, vision, and ongoing projects here.

Dawn Armstrong, Vice President, IT, of Virgin Hyperloop said that they are building the 5th mode of transportation that will impact travel patterns, economies, and transportation. They evaluated and tested multiple radio systems for throughput and robustness in extreme conditions and selected RADWIN's FiberinMotion to use throughout our testing rigs and facilities. RADWIN has shown its willingness to adapt its product to the uniqueness of its application.

Nir Hayzler, VP and Head of RADWIN's Strategic Industries Business said that RADWIN started testing with Virgin Hyperloop about two years ago in their test and safety area in the north of Las Vegas, USA.

Publisher: everything RF


  • Country: United States
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