Pivotal Commware Introduces its Commercially Available 5G Smart Network Repeater

Pivotal Commware Introduces its Commercially Available 5G Smart Network Repeater

Pivotal Commware – the developer of Holographic Beam Forming (HBF) technology, has announced commercial availability of Pivot 5G, a smart network repeater that redirects, extends and shapes service coverage outdoors, substantially reduces total cost of ownership and speeds time to revenue for network operators.

Pivot 5G is one component of Pivotal Commware’s mmWave ecosystem based on Holographic Beam Forming, which solves mmWave’s most vexing challenges and turns the perceived weaknesses of mmWave propagation into strengths. The entire ecosystem can be planned by WaveScape, a network modeling tool that provides network operators with precise placement of network elements, such as repeaters and 5G base stations, to optimize network connectivity for subscribers and to minimize the total cost of ownership for the operator. Alongside the Pivot 5G outdoor repeater, the Echo 5G smart indoor repeater gently floods mmWave indoors to provide subscribers with superior connectivity speeds. Finally, Pivotal’s cloud-native Intelligent Beam Management System (IBMS) uses machine learning to extract intelligent insights and optimize the network in real-time.

Brian Deutsch, CEO of Pivotal Commware said that the Pivot 5G closes the mmWave coverage gap by giving operators a new way to position coverage on specific clusters of subscribers, rather than general geography. He also feels that Pivot is a key player in the mmWave ecosystem they designed to support their claim of ‘mmWave solved.’ They are helping deliver on the promise of 5G by enabling operators to cost-effectively accelerate their mmWave network rollouts and deliver a superior 5G user experience with the gigabit speeds their customers expect.

Pivotal’s mmWave ecosystem is being deployed to expand mmWave coverage in public spaces, homes and enterprises as a part of 5G networks like Verizon’s 5G Ultra-Wideband. By extending the range of costly, fiber-connected base stations, Pivot 5G reduces capital, operating and siting costs otherwise required to deploy more base stations to achieve the same coverage and performance. Joe Madden, Chief Analyst at Mobile Experts also commented that deploying a millimeter-wave network for indoor coverage is an expensive challenge for operators using fiber-based gNodeB units. Repeaters will play a role in opening up 5G [mmWave] coverage indoors, without the staggering cost of fiber-based solutions on every streetlight in town. They calculated that repeaters can save more than 70 percent of the cost of alternatives and can shave months or even years off the deployment timeline.

A key differentiator of Pivotal’s ecosystem is its patented Holographic Beam Forming (HBF) technology. HBF enables its software-defined, precision beamforming repeaters to harness, shape and direct radio waves with order-of-magnitude advantages over legacy beamforming systems in cost, size, weight and power consumption (C-SWaP).

Click here to learn more about Pivotal’s smart repeater ecosystem.

Publisher: everything RF