CIT Introduces Microwave Cable Assemblies with Excellent Phase Stability vs Temperature Performance

CIT Introduces Microwave Cable Assemblies with Excellent Phase Stability vs Temperature Performance

Carlisle Interconnect Technologies (CarlisleIT) announced its new UTiPHASE microwave cable assembly series, an innovative solution that delivers outstanding electrical phase stability versus temperature without compromising microwave performance. UTiPHASE is ideal for demanding defense, space, and testing applications.

The UTiPHASE series builds on CarlisleIT’s signature UTiFLEX flexible coaxial microwave cable technology by combining renowned reliability and industry-leading connector captivation with a thermally phase-stable dielectric that eliminates the polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) “knee.” While standard PTFE cable assemblies perform well in many microwave applications, the PTFE “knee” may cause unfavorable electrical length changes, particularly around room temperature, negatively impacting system performance. UTiPHASE’s thermally phase-stable dielectric effectively mitigates this condition by flattening the phase vs. temperature response curve, thus minimizing system phase variation and increasing accuracy.

John Lewis, Director of Product Management explained that UTiPHASE leverages the same cable assembly terminations and proven connector families that have made UTiFLEX famous, but with the added benefit of proprietary phase-stabilizing technology. By incorporating these cable assemblies into their applications, customers can feel confident they are using verified, high-quality products that improve performance, while also saving money and shortening validation schedules and lead times.

Other key features include:

  • Naturally ruggedized with sturdy, concentric-core construction for improved reliability and crush-resistance
  • Vertically integrated using CarlisleIT proprietary technology, allowing for controlled fluoropolymer performance and reliable delivery
  • The velocity of propagation of at least 80% with excellent insertion loss, so it can be a drop-in replacement for many competing cables
  • Standard deliveries, with configurator “fast-track” pricing for efficient quoting
  • Universally configurable with existing standard connectors and armor, reducing lead time.
  • Price competitive between current products UFA (Low-Loss 77% VP) & UFB (Ultra Low-Loss 81% VP)

These cable assemblies are designed for applications including commercial and military phased-array radars, as well as aerospace SATCOM and Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS), synthetic aperture radars, thermal test sets, and any RF/microwave system operating at or near room temperature.

To learn more about UTiPHASE and CarlisleIT’s complete line of cable assembly products, visit

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   CableCable Assemblies