Aviat's Latest Software Doubles Radio Link Capacity without Additional Hardware

Aviat's Latest Software Doubles Radio Link Capacity without Additional Hardware

Aviat Networks, a leading expert in wireless transport solutions, announced the availability of A2C+ (Adaptive Dual Carrier Plus), a ground-breaking new software available on the Aviat WTM 4000 radio platform. A2C+ doubles the capacity of a microwave link without the need for additional equipment and delivers the highest system gain available today, reducing both CAPEX and OPEX costs associated with network modernization.

Benefits of the new A2C+ software include:

  • Higher system performance with no additional equipment expense. A2C+ combines two or four separate channels onto a single antenna.
  • Highest system gain reducing tower labor and leasing costs. With A2C+, the WTM 4000 delivers up to 12 dB more system gain than competitive radios, enabling the use of smaller antennas.
  • Higher resiliency and link uptime. A2C+ is adaptive so when the link is affected by fading, the radio can revert to single channel operation, gaining up to 7.5dB more transmitter power.
  • Simplified sparing and lower power consumption. With A2C+, the same radio can be used to support 1+0, 2+0 and 4+0 configurations and, because A2C+ enables the same capacity with half the number of transceivers power consumption is significantly reduced.
  • Multi-Band 3+0 in a single box, streamlining deployment and lowering equipment costs dramatically. When used on Aviat's WTM 4800 single-box Multi-Band radio, A2C+ doubles the available microwave capacity, supporting a 3+0 link in just one box, while competitive offerings require three or even four separate boxes and increase complexity and costs.

Peter Smith, CEO of Aviat Networks, said that network modernization is challenging. Investing in systems that evolve without the need for forklift upgrades is a tremendous benefit to their customers. That's why they continue to drive their software development such as A2C+ to enhance system performance, increase reliability, and lower the cost of ownership for customers.

A2C+ is available and shipping now. Click here to learn more about the WTM 4000 radio platform and the A2C+ Software.

Publisher: everything RF