TMD Adds a New Test Set to its Range of Radar Transponders

TMD Adds a New Test Set to its Range of Radar Transponders

TMD Technologies Limited (TMD), an independent West London based manufacturer for RF & Microwave products has introduced a new advanced test set to its range of radar transponders and support equipmentThe Test Set model 754-3U-2-1 is designed to test G-band tracking radar Transponders under closed-loop or open-loop conditions. The device is supplied as a single sealed enclosure and includes an accessory set to interface with the Transponder-under-test in both open and closed-loop modes.

Key Features of the Test Set

A significant new feature of this latest generation Test Set is the ability to edit all the user adjustable parameters whilst the transmitter is ON in real-time. Up to eight user settings can be permanently stored in non-volatile memory, to simplify the setting-up task when testing Transponders with different characteristics. There are two types of key functions among the eight keys. Keys with the header CMD, EDIT, CURSOR and Tx are programmed to behave as momentary switches. When pressed, these keys will update the display, but the new state will not be transferred to the hardware interface until the key is released. The typical weight is 8 kg.

TMD’s recently introduced radar transponder for applications that include missiles, target drones and test range safety - is generating great interest in the marketplace. It complements many of the radar systems requiring TMD products, enabling them to offer an even more extensive service with extra benefits to our customers.

Also available are Test Set Models 646-9 and 647-9, which operate at a flight-line level to assess the status of radar transponder installations. They perform open-loop interrogation of the transponder under test within the frequency range 5.4 to 5.9 GHz for the 646-9 version and 9.0 to 9.5 GHz for the 647-9 version.

The 646-9 and 647-9 Test Sets are mechanically compatible with each other and are also compatible with the TMD Accessory Set 7650. As a customer option, the Test Sets are available with dual open/closed loop capability. Weight is typically less than 2 kg.

Click here to learn more about tracking radar transponders from TMD.

Publisher: everything RF


  • Country: United Kingdom
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