These High-Filtering Antennas Build Interference Robustness and Reject Out-of-Band Signals

These High-Filtering Antennas Build Interference Robustness and Reject Out-of-Band Signals

Antcom has introduced a new series of high-filtering antennas with interference robustness for assured GPS reception. These antennas contain high-filtering amplifiers that reject out-of-band interference, protecting GPS L1 and L2 signals from potential disruption in a crowded RF spectrum, including 5G communications signals and other interference sources. The robust antennas are compatible with standard GPS receivers and are available in several common enclosure form factors, making them an easy upgrade to an existing GPS solution.

Existing GPS installations can be future-proofed against current and upcoming RF spectrum allocation changes with Antcom’s selection of interference-robust antennas. These off-the-shelf antennas are compatible with dual-band and military receivers with GPS L1/L2 and M-Code support.

“Interference-rejecting antennas are the first line of defense against out-of-band interference and GPS disruptions,” said Kathleen Fasenfest, Antcom’s chief engineer. “Our high-filtering antennas offer advanced interference robustness to protect against current and future signal crowding on the RF spectrum. These antennas are available off-the-shelf for simple integration with standard GPS receivers and existing positioning systems.”

Four enclosure form factors are now available with multiple connector and color options. The interference-robust antenna architecture is designed for compatibility with hundreds of products in the Antcom portfolio, ensuring seamless integration into existing positioning systems. For GPS developers, integrators, and users requiring assured GPS reception, Antcom’s high-filtering antennas mitigate the risk of out-of-band interference without the need to redesign existing positioning systems.

Click here to view this High Filtering Antenna from Antcom.

Click here to learn more about GPS Frequency bands.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaGPSGNSSInterference