Panasonic Releases New Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy Module Based on Nordic's SoC

Panasonic Releases New Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy Module Based on Nordic's SoC

Panasonic has released a new Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy module based on the Nordic nRF52820 single chip controller. The PAN1781 supports a data rate of up to 2 Mbps using the high speed LE 2M PHY or a significantly longer range using the LE coded PHY at 500 kb/s or 125 kb/s. The Bluetooth 5.0 module uses a new channel selection algorithm (CSA#2) to improve the performance in high interference environments. Furthermore, the new Low Energy advertising extensions allow for much larger amounts of data to be broadcasted in connection-less scenarios.

“With the PAN1781 being the little brother of our undoubtedly successful PAN1780, we are now rounding out our module range on the lower ends” says Jan Scheller from Panasonic. “The module is an attractive solution because of its truly flexible usability enabled by the attractive software stacks available via the Nordic portal, for instance, Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1, ZigBee and Thread. Thus, the PAN1781 is an allrounder that perfectly qualifies for many different applications and markets. It has the same specs as the PAN1780, but due to its reduced memory it is a highly economical choice for each context that requires an essential Bluetooth interface.”

Having an output power of up to 8 dBm and the high sensitivity of the nRF52820 in combination with the LE coded PHY render the module an ideal choice for applications, where long range is required. Additionally, the module’s ultra-low current consumption is highly beneficial for modern battery powered devices. With the Cortex M4 processor, 32 kB RAM, and the built-in 256 kB flash memory, the PAN1781 can easily be used in standalone mode, thereby eliminating the need for an external processor, saving complexity, space, and cost. The PAN1781 also supports angle of arrival (AoA) and angle of departure (AoD) direction finding using Bluetooth.

Scheller concludes, “With the new PAN1781, we clearly address mid and high volume designs from customers valuing high quality, long availability and Panasonic Industry’s high level support throughout the whole design-in period – and even beyond”.

Click here to view Bluetooth modules from Panasonic listed on everything RF.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   BluetoothRF Module