Signal Hound Introduces Portable 6 GHz Real-time Spectrum Analyzer

Signal Hound Introduces Portable 6 GHz Real-time Spectrum Analyzer

Signal Hound, a manufacturer of highly-optimized solutions for RF test and measurement equipment, has introduced the BB60D – a much anticipated 6 GHz real-time spectrum analyzer with significant performance improvements over its predecessor, the BB60C. The new BB60D has a fully integrated preselector covering 130 MHz to 6 GHz, 10dB more dynamic range, and 10dB better phase noise from 100 Hz to 10 kHz offsets.

With selectable IF bandwidth from 27 MHz down to 4 kHz, 24 GHz/sec sweep speeds, and exceptionally clean spurious responses, the BB60D fits in the hand for accurate, clean, and fast RF analysis on the go.

Paired with Spike, Signal Hound’s spectrum analyzer software, this powerful spectrum analyzer becomes a combination that is hard to beat. The compact and light profile of the BB series makes it ideal for technicians and anyone else who needs a quality option for mobile analysis.

The BB60D should be available in Q1 of 2022. Production of the BB60D will not replace the BB60C, it is an addition to the line of award-winning spectrum analyzers, and Signal Hound will manufacture both units moving forward.

Signal Hound has a virtual booth at IMS 2021 this week. Visit the online event to learn more about this product.

Publisher: everything RF