Jyebao Introduces a Series of Phase & Amplitude Stable VNA Cables

Jyebao Introduces a Series of Phase & Amplitude Stable VNA Cables

Jyebao has released a series of highly reliable phase & amplitude stability tests & VNA cables that can withstand over 100000 flexes without degradation in VSWR, Insertion Loss (IL), phase & amplitude stability. As part of the qualification process, the 5002A, 6002A (SUPERFLEXIBLE) and PHASETEST2 (VNA) cables were submitted to a flexing endurance test conforming to IEC60966-1 section 9.3. The cable assembly was placed on a horizontal test bench keeping one connector-end fixed while the other connector-end moved back and forth in the direction of the cable axis.

After every 500 flexes, the assembly under test would be taken out of the test bench to verify if all electrical specifications were in spec. Firstly amplitude stability was tested conforming to IEC 60966-1 section 8.4. The test engineer wrapped the cable 360°over a mandrel that equals the minimum dynamic bending radius of the cable to measure and check if variation in insertion loss over the cable’s frequency range is in spec.

Secondly, phase stability was tested conforming to 60966-1 section 8.6. The cable assembly was connected to port 1 and port 2 of a VNA. Phase change was measured after winding/unwinding the assembly 180° over a mandrel once clockwise and once counter-clockwise. The engineer performing the phase test then checked if the maximum phase change measured was in spec.

Finally, the VSWR and Insertion Loss (IL) values were measured. If amplitude stability, phase stability, VSWR and IL measurements were all in spec the assembly under test would then be subjected to the next round of 500 flexes after which it would be taken out of the test bench again to verify if all electrical specifications were in spec. This process was repeated over and over again. The assemblies tested performed even better than anticipated and were still in spec after 150000 flexes. The below table summarizes the electrical specifications of Jyebao’s phase & amplitude stable test cables and VNA cables.


Phase stability vs bending

Amplitude stability vs bending


Max Insertion Loss

Flexure life cycle

18 GHz

±1.0° typ/≤±1.5°

±0.015dB typ/≤±0.03dB


≤(3.61 dB/m*Lm)+0.3dB


26.5 GHz

±1.5° typ/≤±2.0°

±0.02dB typ/≤±0.04dB



42 GHz

±2.0° typ/≤±3.5°

±0.03dB typ/≤±0.06dB



50 GHz 

±3.0° typ/≤±8°

±0.04dB typ/≤±0.08dB



70 GHz

±5.0° typ/≤±10°

±0.05dB typ/≤±0.10dB



Key Features:

  • Tight VSWR
  • Very long flex life
  • Excellent amplitude & phase stability over flexure
  • NMD, right angle, bulkhead & 4 hole flange connector configurations are available

Jyebao offers three different phase & amplitude stable cable constructions:

70 GHz high end microwave cable for static and dynamic applications with excellent flexibility, amplitude and phase stability. Three layers of shielding for stability enhancement.

70 GHz high end microwave cable for static and dynamic applications with excellent amplitude and phase stability. This cable has a polyurethane jacket making it truly super flexible.

70 GHz VNA test cable with excellent phase and amplitude stability when subjected to intensive flexing that yields highly reliable and repeatable measurements.

Jyebao’s phase and amplitude stable test & VNA cables are available with 1.85mm, 2.4mm, 2.92mm, 3.5mm, SMA, N and TNC interfaces. Furthermore, NMD, right angle, bulkhead and 4-hole flange options are available.

Click here to view RF coaxial cables from Jyebao on everything RF.

Publisher: everything RF