UBT’s MammoWave is an innovative device that can be used to conduct an X-ray free mammogram, using safe radiofrequency (RF) signals in the microwave band to obtain an image of the breast for breast cancer screening. This innovative device is powered by Copper Mountain Technologies’ Cobalt C1209 Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) that helps determine the difference between a healthy region and a possible sick zone.
Today, the most commonly used method for breast cancer detection is X-ray mammography. A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breast and has been a widely used screening test. X-rays are generally safe but excessive exposure is a risk. Discomfort and pain are often associated with mammograms and there are limits to their effectiveness, particularly for younger women. UBT’s MammoWave is a microwave mammogram for breast cancer detection - an X-ray free & effective alternative to popular X-ray mammography.
UBT was in search of a VNA that could be easily integrated with their device. They needed a USB controlled instrument with a fast measurement speed and high dynamic range. Then, they were referred to the Cobalt C1209 9 GHz VNA by a representative at TEST Srl, an exclusive channel partner of Copper Mountain Technologies in Italy. Giovanni Raspa, CTO and Co-founder of UBT, says “The technical capability and the fact that we could have a demo to make the first test and setup of our device were deciding factors.”
The matching specifications of the C1209 and support from CMT engineers enabled UBT to achieve their objective, “Continuous support from both the distributor and the engineers at Copper Mountain Technologies have enabled the proper setup and integration of this device into MammoWave technology,” says Raspa.
Two antennas from the MammoWave equipment are connected to ports on the Cobalt C1209 VNA. Screening is performed with the patient laying in a face down position. The breast is placed within a cup. The antennas rotate around the cup, without any compression, performing measurements approximately every four degrees. The measurements from the VNA are then processed through UBT’s software to detect the presence of suspected tumors in the breast tissue. The data from C1209 measurements, mainly complex S21 measurement, is processed through UBT’s dedicated software, helping to detect cancer cells.
The initial version of the system is intended to be a quick, easy to use, and repeatable screening device. “Our mission is to allow all women to get screened,” explains Gianluigi Tiberi, UBT’s Head of R&D and Co-founder. Future developments of this technology may also be capable of drawing a 3D image to localize the area where cancer is possibly present.
Click here to learn more about CMT Cobalt C1209 VNA on everything RF.