CMT to Conduct a Series of Webinars on Various Aspects of VNAs - Sign up Now

CMT to Conduct a Series of Webinars on Various Aspects of VNAs - Sign up Now

Copper Mountain Technologies will be conducting a series of webinars to discuss various aspects of Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs). The webinars have been divided into two series:

  • VNA Master Class Series: Copper Mountain Technologies’ VNA Master Class Webinar Series hosted by Design Engineering Manager Brian Walker, features high-level technical content regarding various aspects of VNA use. This series combines valuable RF theory with relevant measurement demonstrations to provide a complete understanding of complex topics. Viewer submitted questions are answered throughout each webinar.
  • VNA 101 Bootcamp Series: Copper Mountain Technologies’ VNA 101 Bootcamp Webinar Series hosted by Applications Engineer Lead Subbaiah Pemmaiah, features basic technical content regarding various aspects of VNA use. This series combines valuable RF theory with relevant measurement demonstrations to provide a complete understanding of beginning VNA topics. Viewer submitted questions are answered throughout each webinar.

Upcoming Webinars in 2021

VNA Master Class Webinar: Time Domain Measurement and Gating: Time Domain Measurement and post processing feature come standard on all CMT VNAs, except for the M Series. This powerful technique allows for the evaluation of Return Loss over distance on a cable or elimination of far-field antenna reflections.

Date: September 16, 2021 at 10 AM EDT

Click here to register for the webinar "VNA Master Class Webinar: Time Domain Measurement and Gating".

VNA 101 Bootcamp Webinar: Advanced Calibration Techniques: This webinar will discuss advanced calibration features, such as de-embedding. A VNA demonstration will be used to illustrate these features and utilize one of the software plug-ins to simplify this process.

Date: October 13, 2021 at 1 PM EDT

Click here to register for the webinar "VNA 101 Bootcamp Webinar: Advanced Calibration Techniques".

VNA Master Class Webinar: Full 2-Port VNA Calibration Math: 12 Term error correction may seem daunting, but it isn't terribly difficult to understand. The mathematics are not as neat as the 1-port model but are not impossible to deal with in Python or some other programming language. This webinar will attempt to explain 2-port calibration and where it might go wrong.

Date: November 10, 2021 at 1 PM EDT

Click here to register for the webinar "VNA Master Class Webinar: Full 2-Port VNA Calibration Math".

VNA 101 Bootcamp Webinar: Mass Production Testing with a VNA: This webinar will discuss how to setup and automate VNA measurements for mass production tests.

Date: December 7, 2021 at 10 M EDT

Click here to register for the webinar "VNA 101 Bootcamp Webinar: Mass Production Testing with a VNA".

Click here to see other webinars conducted by Copper Mountain Technologies.

Publisher: everything RF