Junkosha Showcases its New Phase Stable, Multi-Purpose Cable Assemblies at IMS 2022

Junkosha Showcases its New Phase Stable, Multi-Purpose Cable Assemblies at IMS 2022

Global interconnect pioneers Junkosha are using this year’s International Microwave Symposium (IMS), to showcase the core qualities of its new MWX7 Series in environments where significant temperature gradients are experienced across cable assemblies. As increasingly complex 5G and 6G systems are developed, requiring higher frequency bands, the need for cables with the highest phase stability against temperature becomes critical. 

Junkosha’s MWX7 Series Assemblies provide phase stability in multipurpose applications delivering reliable electrical performance, especially in phase and amplitude stability against temperature, to support repeatable measurement results across applications like phased-array radars, 5G antennas, and automatic test environments. The new ePTFE tape-wrapped cable not only offers reduced phase and amplitude drift due to mechanical fluctuations, it also promises consistent performance in both inter and intra-batch quality.

Rob Sloan, a well-renowned consultant across the microwave industry, explains: “One of the challenges microwave engineers face is that of maintaining phase stability across multiple channels from antennas and sensors, especially in environments where temperature gradients may be experienced across cable assemblies. More complex modulation schemes operating at higher frequencies, likely to be heralded by next-generation 5G and 6G systems, will only exasperate this situation. Currently, any system requiring phase consistency is affected, whether this is a synthetic aperture radar or a focusing technique; or communications channels employing phased array systems where differential or IQ signalling requires invariant phase. Similarly, in network analysis applications where calibration removes systematic errors, a phase change brought on by temperature changes would normally warrant recalibration. Here Junkosha has produced industry-leading, low-loss, lightweight cables with minimized thermal phase changes associated with the classic ‘Teflon knee’. These hence reduce the need for recalibration or use of computationally hungry phase correction algorithms.” 

Masaru Omoto, Product Manager for Junkosha, adds. “With this new series of cables, we wanted to answer our customers’ need to have a cable that demonstrated the critical requirement of phase stability against temperature, which is vital in an increasing number of applications. Whether its phased array radars, 5G antennas or automatic test environments, changing temperature gradients are an issue that require mitigation. Our ePTFE tape wrapped MWX7 Series has been developed with these scenarios in mind, thereby eradicating the impact of fluctuating temperatures.”

The IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the premier annual international meeting for technologists involved in all aspects of microwave theory and practice. It consists of over 400 exhibiting companies that represent state-of-the-art technologies including materials, devices, components, and subsystems, as well as design and simulation software and test and measurement equipment. In addition, it comprises a full week of events including technical paper presentations, workshops, and tutorials.

Click here for more information on Junkosha’s MWX7 Series. Story by the Junkosha Booth at IMS 2022 to learn more.

Click here to see everything RF's coverage of IMS 2022.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   CableCable Assemblies