ERAVANT Showcases mmWave Test Equipment and Patent Pending Innovations at IMS 2022

ERAVANT Showcases mmWave Test Equipment and Patent Pending Innovations at IMS 2022

ERAVANT, a company that develops high performance microwave and millimeter wave components and sub-assemblies for commercial and military system applications is showcasing its products at IMS 2022 in Denver this week. At their booth, they are demonstrating new products and discussing various innovations with customers. The company is providing an interactive forum, technical programs followed by Booth demos that prove to be useful for the participants and experts to learn more about the state-of-the-art RF/Microwave technologies in the industry.

On June 21, at IMS exhibition, ERAVANT is demonstrating “Wave-Glide™ & Proxi-Flange™: Quick and Repeatable Testing Solutions” at 10:00 AM, “Uni-Guide™: Practical Waveguide Connector” at 11:30 AM, “Wave-Glide™ & Proxi-Flange™: Quick and Repeatable Testing Solutions” at 2:00 PM, and “Uni-Guide™: Practical Waveguide Connector” at 3:30 PM. Anyone concerned with testing procedures and waveguide connectors topics for RF applications will find this time well spent.

On June 22 and 23, the company will continue to demonstrate their innovative testing solutions followed by practical waveguide connectors. On June 22, ERAVANT will be present in both an interactive forum as well a technical forum organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In the IEEE technical program, the company can be found in Room 401-402 where they will be discussing “Novel Waveguide Connectors to Simplify and Millimeter-Wave Component Packaging” from 1:30-3:10 PM.

ERAVANT will also be showcasing the following Products at their booth:

Uni-GuideTM Waveguide Connector

In the 120 years since the waveguide was invented, no company has ever developed a waveguide connector as a counterpart to the coaxial connector. Eravant changed that with its invention of the Uni-Guide™. This waveguide connectors operate from 22 GHz to 60 GHz. Click here to learn more.

Calibration Kits

These calibration kit components are machined and plated with high-quality standard. They are made with beryllium copper to prevent distortion and slow down wearing. Click here to learn more.

Coaxial Noise Sources

ERAVANT noise sources can work in either CW or pulse AM mode up to 1 kHz. A TTL triggering signal port used in automatic test systems or toggle switches to manually turn the module on and off can be added as an option. Click here to learn more.


The Proxi-Flange™ waveguide section has a novel contactless flange design which forms an RF choke when making connections to other waveguide flanges to eliminate the requirements of perfect mechanical contact. Click here to learn more.

Visit Booth #9007 to learn more about ERAVANT's innovative mmWave solutions.

Click here to view everything RF's coverage of the IMS 2022 event.

Click here to register at the IMS 2022 to learn more about ERAVANT's innovative products.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   WaveguideConnector


  • Country: United States
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