Aaronia Offers Portable, Stationary and Fully-Integrated Counter-Drone Jammers with 10 Km Range

Aaronia Offers Portable, Stationary and Fully-Integrated Counter-Drone Jammers with 10 Km Range

Aaronia, a German company that specializes in developing measuring, tracking and monitoring technology, is offering a broad range of AARTOS counter-drone jammers with coverage of up to 10 km. With up to 800 Watts of output power and a programmable frequency range up to 6 GHz these jammers can get rid of any drone in range.

AARTOS DDS is, at its foundation, a Drone Detection System. A system built to identify and monitor drones that present potential threats while operating at military grade capabilities. In addition to this already one-of-a-kind functionality, the system can also be outfitted to support countermeasure capabilities with the addition of Aaronia’s Programmable Sector Jammer.

By extending the AARTOS DDS to include this jammer, it creates a system that can reliably and quickly locate and neutralize threats.

The AARTOS counter-UAV solutions are available in portable, stationary or fully integrated & automatic versions:

Handheld UAV Jammer: This portable solution is an extremely lightweight system weighing approximately 2.7 kg. It covers 4 frequency bands and delivers a total output power of 40 W with adjustable power output. The jammer has a battery life of up to 2 hours and can combat most commercially available drone models withing a range of 2 km. It has an operating temperature range from -20°C to +60°C. Click here for more details on the Handheld UAV Jammer.

Automatic Sector Jammer 180°/360°: This jamming system delivers an output power of up to 1.3 kW with a maximum jamming range of 8km. It covers the largest frequency range amongst all commercial models and comes with directional/omnidirectional antennas. The system has options for Corner Jammer (180°) or Omni-Jammer (360°) models to choose from. It is available in an enclosure that measures 745 x 180 x 80 mm and weighs 4Kg. Click here for more details on the Automatic Sector Jammer 180°/360°.

360° Programmable Jammer: This system is a programmable jammer with an 800W CW output power and a 10 km range. It provides gapless coverage from 400 MHz to 6 GHz and supports unlimited no. of channels/bands programmable across the entire frequency range. The jammer provides 360° coverage with directional antennas with 4/8 sector versions (customizable on demand) and covers commercial and military drones. It is available in different output power versions (30 W or 100 W per sector) with adjustable output power. Click here for more details on the 360° Programmable Jammer.

The interference created by AARTOS jammers is extremely selective, in order to make sure other RF channels are not impaired. In addition, the jammer is directional, and will only jam signals in the direction of the incoming UAV. This prevents any complications in accidently creating unwanted internal or external interference. Built in pre-cautions this these are vital when deploying a jammer, especially in situations where interference could cause disastrous consequences (i.e., airports, military, law enforcement).

Click here for more details on AARTOS counter-drone jammers.

Publisher: everything RF