Quantic X-Microwave Develops 3U and 6U OpenVPX Card Assemblies for Aerospace & Defense Applications

Quantic X-Microwave Develops 3U and 6U OpenVPX Card Assemblies for Aerospace & Defense Applications

Quantic X-Microwave has developed 3U and 6U OpenVPX card assemblies, leveraging its proven modular platform for quick turn prototypes and production IMAs. X-Microwave offers a modular design system technology that is revolutionizing the RF and microwave industry. RF and Microwave engineers can use X-MWblock® modular building blocks to rapidly evaluate, prototype, and produce high-end RF and Microwave systems faster, easier, and at lower cost.

The company offers the ability to integrate complex customer-specified RF & Microwave signal chains that interface with other VPX RF and Control cards through a common backplane to realize complete systems typically for aerospace & defense applications.

Key Features and Benefits of 3U/6U OpenVPX Card Assemblies

Rugged 3U OpenVPX Card Assembly

These card assemblies are designed for operation in harsh dynamic environments. The card is secured using wedge locks, which provides an excellent path for conduction cooling. Built to survive high shock and vibration as well as wide operating temperature ranges.

Double Sided for Dense Circuit Integration

X-Microwave’s 3U OpenVPX card design offers a clamshell of two H-Frame housings to integrate standard and custom X-MWblocks to configure complex signal chains in a single card. RF circuitry is typically configured on the top side of each housing and bias and control circuits are implemented on the bottom side. Bias and control signals are routed between the RF and Control sides and to and from the backplane VITA and RT connectors.  RF and Control circuits can be combined and miniaturized as needed maximize functionality in a single card.

Flexibility to Design for Prototype or Production

“Get on the Grid” to design and optimize your signal chains using standard and custom X-MWblocks in a configurable VPX card with open housings with no internal walls.  Make RF block changes as needed until desired performance is achieved.  Add modular walls, lids and shields for isolation to optimize enclosed performance.  For production cards, use the prototype as is or combine the RF and control boards into single PCBs and customize the housings to include machined channelized RF paths.

Click here to learn more about Quantic X-Microwave's 3U and 6U OpenVPX Card Assemblies.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   MilitaryAerospace