Nokia, BT Group, and Qualcomm Achieve Enhanced 5G Downlink Speeds with 5CC Carrier Aggregation

Nokia, BT Group, and Qualcomm Achieve Enhanced 5G Downlink Speeds with 5CC Carrier Aggregation

In a notable advancement in 5G technology, Nokia, BT Group, and Qualcomm have successfully implemented 5G Standalone (SA) spectrum using 5CC Carrier Aggregation (5CC CA). This makes BT Group the first European operator to achieve this milestone, enhancing 5G downlink speeds and network capacity.

The breakthrough involves combining three Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and two Time Division Duplex (TDD) carriers, utilizing a total bandwidth of 150 MHz. This combination significantly increases data rates, particularly in high-demand areas, by leveraging mid-band radio spectrum for high-speed connections. EE's 5G SA network, scheduled to launch later this year, will also utilize a low-frequency sixth carrier to improve connectivity in various locations, including indoors.

This achievement follows previous demonstrations of 4CC CA in 5G SA downlink and concurrent 2CC CA in 5G SA uplink by Nokia and BT Group in 2023. The recent tests at BT Group’s Adastral Park headquarters used Nokia’s 5G AirScale portfolio and a device powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon® 5G Modem-RF system, achieving downlink speeds of 1.85 Gbps. The configuration included three FDD carriers (NR2600 at 30MHz, NR2100 at 20MHz, and NR1800 at 20MHz) and two TDD carriers (NR3600 at 40+40MHz).

Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer at BT Group, stated: “This milestone with Nokia and Qualcomm Technologies enhances 5G SA performance as we work towards the network launch. We aim to maximize our spectrum assets to improve throughput and speeds for our customers, especially with the increasing availability of devices supporting 5CC CA.”

Mark Atkinson, SVP and Head of RAN at Nokia, commented: “This trial with BT demonstrates Nokia’s capability in 5G carrier aggregation technology. Multi-component carrier aggregation enables mobile operators to optimize their network assets and provide higher 5G data rates in more locations.”

Dino Flore, Vice President, Technology at Qualcomm Europe, Inc., said: “Qualcomm Technologies aims to push the boundaries of 5G connectivity. Our Snapdragon 5G Modem-RF Systems are designed to enhance speed, efficiency, and capacity. We are working with Nokia and BT Group to bring this improved 5G experience to European users.”

This development is a step towards delivering faster, more reliable 5G connectivity. As BT Group prepares to launch its 5G SA network later this year, users can expect higher data rates and improved network capacity, showcasing the capabilities of carrier aggregation and setting the stage for future advancements in 5G technology.

Click here to learn more Carrier Aggregation (CA) and 4CC Carrier Aggregation.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5GCarrier Aggregation