Mini-Circuits Introduces 1 kW Solid-State Signal Source for RF Energy Applications in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

Mini-Circuits Introduces 1 kW Solid-State Signal Source for RF Energy Applications in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

Mini-Circuits has introduced RFS-2G42G51K0+, a high-power solid-state power amplifier with an integrated signal source that can be used in a wide range of industrial, scientific, and medical applications in the 2400-2500 MHz ISM band. It is capable of generating both CW and pulsed signals with an output power from 1 W to 1 kW and a gain of 53 dB. This Signal Source can be configured to operate either as a standalone RF power generator or a standalone amplifier to cater to different application requirements.

This compact water-cooled system is built around four Mini-Circuits ZHL-2425-250X+ 250 W amplifier pallets. It also has built-in protection for temperature, current, forward power, and reverse power monitoring and has internal shutdown circuitry/ protection functions for added reliability under difficult operating conditions, making it virtually impossible to damage.

The basic high-power signal source can be controlled externally through a user-friendly USB, EtherCAT, Ethernet, and RS-485 interfaces to monitor forward and reflected power to support dynamic load analysis, temperature monitoring, current monitoring, shutdown alarms, enable/disable the signal source/amplifier, and resetting protection alarms. A Windows-based GUI provides access to the signal/ PWM source as well as monitoring functions. A front-panel touch-screen shows the amplifier status and allows the user to configure and control the device. The block diagram is shown below for illustration.

Block Diagram of RFS-2G42G51K0+

This integrated signal source requires an AC power supply from 200 to 240 V for operation and consumes less than 16 A of current. It is available in a housing that measures 17.71 x 22.6 x 3.48 inches and uses 7/16 connectors for RF power delivery. 

This Signal Source can be used for high-power RF Energy applications like Materials processing, Food processing (heating, tempering, and pasteurization), Microwave-assisted chemistry, Plasma generation, Plasma surface treatment, Disinfection/Sterilization, Chemistry and Semiconductor RF generators.

Click here to learn more about this integrated signal energy source from Mini-Circuits.

Publisher: everything RF