Spider is a Scalable Platform for Testing LTE Unlicensed and IoT


Azimuth Systems has launched Spider™, an automated, scalable RF platform that can be used for testing a variety of technologies, such as LTE Unlicensed, 802.11ac, and applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT). Spider is the first and only purpose-built test solution to address the broad requirements of LTE Unlicensed functional and performance testing.

Technologies like LTE Unlicensed and IoT are ushering wireless communications away from traditional point-to-point topologies and toward mesh topologies with the coexistence of multiple radio technologies and active communication links among multiple devices. Wireless test systems currently available on the market focus on the testing, optimization, and validation of a single device in a point-to-point setup; there were no solutions designed specifically for accurate, repeatable, efficient testing of mesh network technologies.

This has left developers with two options: one, manually field test over the air, which is time-consuming, unrepeatable, and (due to limited control of variables) not always accurate; or two, kludge together a solution using off-the-shelf components and test tools designed for point-to-point applications, knowing that the quantities required for a mesh network test would quickly make this cost-prohibitive. These challenges are addressed by Spider.

Spider is a platform that consists of integrated hardware and software that provide complete RF isolation and automated control of the MIMO radio links between multiple devices. Different, turnkey solutions are built on the Spider platform to support LTE Unlicensed, IoT, 802.11ac, and use cases such as mobility, handover, device to device, and radio coexistence testing. In addition, users can create their own solutions using the Spider platform and the modules available in the Director-II test executive. Because Spider is built specifically for testing mesh network topologies, it is much more accurate and reliable than off-the-shelf components but much more affordable that traditional wireless test systems.

Spider™ Unlicensed (the unlicensed solution built on the Spider) is a fully automated, self-contained solution built on the Spider platform for testing LTE unlicensed. Spider Unlicensed:

  • Includes test cases developed by the LTE-U Forum
  • Leverages the power of Azimuth’s complete family of platforms and modules developed for LTE and Wi-Fi testing
  • Purpose built, yet provides a flexible and scalable solution

Azimuth Systems developed Spider in response to the need for a new class of RF test solutions. Until now, coexistence testing was possible, but technically complicated and not cost-effective for much of the market. There’s also a growing demand for testing system-level performance of not just devices but the overriding applications, too. They have made the process easier and more cost-effective—and yet more powerful and comprehensive than any existing solutions.

Azimuth will be demonstrating the Spider™ Unlicensed at the Small Cell Americas show in Dallas on 11/2/15 (Hilton Anatole) and at the Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi and LTE-U Coexistence Test Workshop in Palo Alto on 11/4/15 (Sheraton Palo Alto). Azimuth will also be conducting private demos of Spider at these locations for customers.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   LTEIoT