SkyLiTE Front End Modules Target IoT Applications

IOTSkyworks Solutions has expanded its family of SkyLiTE™ front-end solutions powering LTE devices. Originally targeted for mobile platforms in emerging markets, the newest solutions are also being adopted across Internet of Things (IoT) applications that utilize embedded cellular connections such as the connected car and wearables.

The SkyLiTE™ product family incorporates the amplification, switching, Wi-Fi filtering and coupler functionality required to support all major FDD/TDD bands and has been uniquely architected to support the hardware and software compatibility requirements for all major system on a chip platforms. With the addition of external duplexers, this product suite provides OEMs with a scalable and reconfigurable front-end system for broad markets and applications worldwide.

According to a September 2015 GfK Projector Model Report, LTE will represent approximately 49 percent of total handsets by 2016, up from 22 percent of total handsets in 2014. Further, according to a recent GSMA Intelligence Report, the machine-to-machine (M2M) market has seen rapid growth globally over recent years as operators and governments recognize the potential of IoT and the number of active deployments starts to accelerate. As of December 2014, there were 243 million cellular M2M connections globally. The total number of cellular M2M connections is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 26 percent between 2014 and 2020, bringing the total to almost one billion connections. In the automotive sector, Business Intelligence forecasts there will be 100 million new cars shipped with built in connectivity by 2020, up from just 20 million today.

About Skyworks Expanded Family of SkyLiTE™ Solutions

SKY77643-21 - is a multimode multiband power amplifier module that supports 3G/4G handsets and operates efficiently in WCDMA, TD-SCDMA and LTE modes. The module is fully programmable through a Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI®). The InGaP and silicon die along with the passive components are mounted on a multi-layer laminate substrate and come in a 4.0 x 6.8 x 0.8 mm, 42-pad MCM, SMT package for a highly manufacturable, low cost solution.

SKY77822-21 - is a fully matched, 28-pad surface mount power amplifier module developed for LTE applications. The module includes broadband coverage of FDD LTE Bands 7 and 30, TDD LTE Bands 38/40, and Band 41, all in a compact 4.0 x 3.65 mm package. The device delivers unsurpassed savings in current consumption for data-intensive applications by attaining high efficiencies throughout the entire power range.

SKY77916-21 - is a transmit/receive front-end module that offers the complete transmit VCO-to-antenna and antenna-to-receive SAW filter solution for advanced cellular handsets comprising quad-band GSM, GPRS, EDGE multi-slot operation, and TD-SCDMA and TDD LTE transmission. The FEM fully enables broadband 3G/4G RF switch-through, outward switching of the power amplifier RF inputs, 14 transmit/receive antenna switch ports, and an integrated directional coupler.

SKY77641 - is a multimode multiband power amplifier module that supports 3G/4G handsets and operates efficiently in WCDMA, TD-SCDMA and LTE modes. The module is fully programmable through a MIPI®. The module consists of a WCDMA / LTE block for low, high, and mid-bands, and a multi-function control block with RF input/output ports internally matched to 50 to reduce the number of external components.

Skyworks is highlighting its Internet of Things product portfolio at CES 2016 in the Las Vegas Convention Center, South Hall, Meeting Place 25646 from January 6 - 9.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Front End ModuleIoT