Highly Integrated 77 GHz Automotive Radar Chip for Long-Range Applications

Optical Fiber and Active Optical Cable ModulesSTMicroelectronics, an expert in short- and mid-range (24 GHz) radar chips for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), will be supplying its latest long-range (77 GHz) radar chips to leading automotive customers. This new 77 GHz radar IC for long range applications will be delivered to Tier-1 bands and compliments ST’s ADAS systems which features short, mid and long-range radar solutions on top of vision processing and V2X.

24 GHz systems have spearheaded the introduction of on-board automotive radar by enabling affordable, short- and mid-range smart-driving features such as blind-spot detection, collision avoidance, and lane-departure warning. ST has delivered over 35 million 24 GHz radar transceiver ICs to date, and continues to build its customer base as more and more markets demand vehicles enhanced with ADAS.

Today’s most developed markets are ready for next-generation features like high-speed adaptive cruise control that require high-power-output, long-range radar, which is best implemented using 77 GHz technology. The higher frequency allows smaller antenna sizes, and permits the same technology to be used for ADAS requiring short-range, medium-range, or long-range radar, hence simplifying system design and reducing time to market.

ST is now building on its success with 24 GHz radar to create a new, highly integrated 77 GHz transceiver that delivers market-leading performance. The device contains three 77 GHz transmitters and four receivers on a single chip, which enables customers to build smaller, lower-cost, and less complex systems compared with competing solutions in the market that are less highly integrated. The multi-channel architecture of these radar chip enhances object recognition and resolution that translates into superior performance and dependability on the road.

ST is now sampling its multi-channel single-chip 77GHz radar transceiver to lead customers and is preparing to enter volume production in March 2017.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Automotive