Skyworks Introduces its Next Generation Wi-Fi Solutions

SkyworksSkyworks Solutions has expanded their mobile connectivity product portfolio with the addition of several new wireless networking solutions. The newest modules leverage innovative and proprietary design techniques to extend the range of connected devices and improve overall system performance – in a much smaller footprint when compared to alternative options available in the market today.

According to Cisco VNI Mobile, smartphones and phablets are expected to comprise nearly 50 percent of all global devices by 2020, with more than half of all traffic from these platforms being off-loaded to fixed networks by Wi-Fi. As a result, OEMs are seeking high performance solutions that can manage this amount of data and deliver a seamless consumer experience.

Their SKY85312-11 and SKY85720-11 contain integrated power amplifiers and low-noise amplifiers, enhancing transmit power and improving system-on-a-chip receiver sensitivity, respectively. Integrated switches and power detectors also eliminate the need for external components and enable power setting without external couplers. These next generation Wi-Fi front-end modules provide a highly integrated, turnkey solution for smartphones and Internet of Things applications.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Wi-Fi