Raytheon Designs GaN-Based AESA LTAMDS Radar for U.S. Army

Raytheon has given the U.S. Army a look into the future of missile defense technology, with their vision for the next generation of air and missile defense radar. The information was supplied to the Army as part of their process to define the requirements for a future Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS).

Raytheon's solution for the LTAMDS is based on the Gallium Nitride (GaN) powered Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) technology. Over the years Raytheon has spent over $200 million on researching this technology. At the AUSA Tradeshow in March 2016, Raytheon showed that they can quickly and affordably design, build, test and field a GaN-based AESA radar capable of defeating all threats.

Their GaN-based AESA LTAMDS radar is designed to serve as a sensor on the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System network. It will be fully interoperable with NATO, and also retain backwards compatibility with both the current Patriot system and any future system upgrades fielded by any of the 13-nations that currently own Patriot.

"Others may draw on lesson learned from the terminated MEADS air and missile defense project or repeatedly re-baselined naval radars; Raytheon's LTAMDS solution builds on successful programs such as the U.S. Navy's Next Generation Jammer and the Air and Missile Defense Radar," said Doug Burgess, director of Integrated Air and Missile defense AESA programs. "Our response, and our AESA GaN radar rollout at AUSA show there doesn't need to be a wait of a decade or longer to get the sensor of the future. It will be available much, much sooner."

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Radar