Custom MMIC to Discuss Mixer Linearity with GaN MMIC Technology at EDICON

Dr. Charles J. Trantanella, Chief Scientist at Custom MMIC - A fabless semiconductor company will be be giving a talk on Mixer Linearity using GaN MMIC technology at EDI CON USA 2016. The presentation is scheduled to take place on September 22nd from 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. in Room 202 at the Hynes convention center in Boston. It is entitled - Reaching New Heights in Mixer Linearity with GaN MMIC Technology. He will cover implementation of GaN substrates in various mixer topologies as well as showing breakthroughs in linearity for these topologies including Cold FET, Balanced Diode and Single-Ended FET.

With over half a dozen technical articles in trade publications including Microwave Journal, Microwave Product Digest, and the conference proceedings of the International Microwave Symposium, Dr. Trantanella has championed a number of high value design contracts including Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants from US governmental agencies. He has helped generate over 120 custom and commercial products including digital phase shiftersswitchesmixers, and frequency doublers. He has over 22 years of MMIC design experience, during which he revolutionized the use of spiral baluns in double balanced mixers as well as passive frequency doublers, thereby creating two of the most successful product lines in the MMIC industry.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   EDICON USA 2016