Over 8,000 Attendees and 450 Companies Participating in IMS 2017

The IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2017 is going on at the Hawai'i Convention Center and will run through June 9, 2017. IMS is the annual flagship conference and exhibition of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). This year the event features over 450 exhibiting companies from around the world and has drawn over 8000 attendees. The numbers are down this year compared to previous years, however this is probably due to the location this year. In spite of the lower attendance the event floor seemed to be buzzing with many of the companies receiving some good leads and prospects.

This year's symposium includes participants from over 40 countries, and offers an in-depth focus on 5G and millimeter-wave technologies with many exhibitors unveiling new innovations in the field during the show.

IMS 2017 happenings, innovations, and updates include:

  • 5G Summit: IEEE MTT-S and IEEE ComSoc will provide a unique platform for industry leaders, innovators, and researchers from the industrial and academic community to collaborate and exchange ideas that may help in driving rapid deployment for the upcoming 5G Standard. The summit is complemented by a 5G Executive Forum and 5G Demos. Day one concluded Monday with a panel on "5G Startup Ecosystem – Network to Components." Day two will begin Tuesday, with an overview of the IEEE 5G Initiative by Ashutosh Dutta of AT&T, the initiative co-chair, followed by a keynote from Arogyaswami Paulraj of Stanford University on "Emerging Research Tracks in Massive MIMO." The 5G program closes with a panel on "5G Test and Measurements."
  • Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition: Monday's 3MT® Competition was designed to stimulate interest in the wide range of applications of microwave technology to renew public interest in microwaves as a transformative technology. Competition finalists submitted papers focused on a broad range of topics, from medical to environmental applications and more.
  • Technical paper presentations: IMS2017 accepted 557 papers, the second highest in IMS history. Competitions included the Advanced Practice Paper Competition, which recognizes outstanding technical contributions that apply to practical applications. The Industry Paper Competition identifies outstanding technical contributions from industry sources. Students also have an opportunity to participate in the Student Paper Competition, which identifies outstanding technical contributions. Finalists present their papers at the Student Paper Competition's Interactive Forum in addition to their regular presentation.

everything RF is covering the event and listing all relevant news stories and product releases. Click here to see EverythingRF's IMS 2017 coverage.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   IMS 2017