Federated Wireless to Help OEMs Accelerate Growth in the CBRS Ecosystem

Federated Wireless has launched a new Partner Program to assist OEMs with commercializing Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) - enabled solutions and speeding up their time to market. The Program will allow OEMs of all sizes to automate critical functions during integration with the Federated Wireless Spectrum Controller, including on-boarding, testing and support. Federated Wireless is the only organization offering OEMs this level of support, creating an open, flexible ecosystem that will allow operators to accelerate their commercial deployments with confidence, and scale to meet wireless data demands nationwide.

The Partner Program has been established with the understanding that the full ecosystem benefits from shared information on real-world deployments. OEMs partnering with Federated Wireless gain access to a robust set of materials including training modules, a user guide, Federated Wireless Spectrum Controller product documentation, release notes, a feature guide and API documentation. Developed following the completion of dozens of Mobile Operator (MNO), Cable Operator (MSO) and Managed Service Provider (MSP) lab and field trials, the knowledge base is provided via a partner portal ensuring they are accessible when and where they are needed, helping simplify OEMs integration efforts.

Adding to the strength of the new Partner Program is Federated Wireless’ dedicated support team. This new team is led by the company’s Vice President of Solutions Development and Operations, Emer Marchetti, who has more than 20 years of experience in senior network design and development roles at Sprint, Nextel and Alcatel Data Networks, among others. OEMs can submit and track ongoing support requests via the partner portal, and work directly with the support team to troubleshoot integration challenges. As a result, OEMs can more quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively move from initial on-boarding to interoperability testing to commercial deployment when FCC certification is completed.

OEMs interested in learning more about the Federated Wireless Partner Program and integrating with the Federated Wireless Spectrum Controller are invited to meet with Federated Wireless at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from February 26 - March 1, 2018.

Publisher: everything RF